Photonic materials for energy conversion and storage
The near-infrared and red region of the spectrum is of great interest due to its importance in energy photogeneration and bioimaging. Our group investigates the synthesis and application of luminescent materials, especially those exhibiting properties such as persistent luminescence and up- and down-conversion luminescence, for use in solar converters, bioimaging, catalysis, as well as in transparent films and glasses. Our group focuses on developing materials that possess novel properties like persistent luminescence through up-conversion, which finds significant application in bioimaging and persistent scintillation, which can activate in-situ singlet oxygen generation. For materials with persistent luminescence, their energy storage property will be harnessed to enhance the biomass production efficiency of microalgae, bioimaging, and singlet oxygen generation for photodynamic therapy. On the other hand, materials with up-conversion capability can be employed to absorb light in the near-infrared region, converting it into visible light, thus reducing losses in solar converters due to transparency. Similarly, materials with down-conversion luminescence can decrease losses from thermalization by producing two photons with energy close to the Si band gap energy after absorbing a photon in the visible region. The application of these up- and down-conversion materials aims to enhance solar cell efficiency, enabling better utilization of solar energy. In our group, mechanisms involved in energy emission and transfer processes are also studied to improve the design of new materials.

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Representative publications:
1. Giordano, L., Cai, G., Seguin, J., Liu, J., Richard, C., Rodrigues, L.C.V., Viana, B., Persistent Luminescence Induced by Upconversion: An Alternative Approach for Rechargeable Bio-Emitters. Advanced Optical Materials 11 (2023) 2201468.
2. Fritzen, D.L., Mattos, E.A., Petri, D.F. Teixeira, V.C., Bonturim, E., Rodrigues, L.C.V., Flexible Translucent Persistent Luminescent Films Based on Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ Cellulose Ether Composites. Dalton Trans. 51 (2022) 9138-9143.
3. Fritzen, D.L., Giordano, L., Rodrigues, L.C.V., Monteiro, J.H.S.K., Opportunities for Persistent Luminescent Nanoparticles in Luminescence Imaging of Biological Systems and Photodynamic Therapy. Nanomaterials 10 (2020) 2015.
4. Santos, D.O.A., Giordano, L., Barbará, M.A.S.G., Portes, M.C., Pedroso, C.C.S., Teixeira, V.C., Lastusaari, M., Rodrigues, L.C.V., Abnormal co-doping effect on the red persistent luminescence SrS:Eu2+,RE materials Dalton Transactions 49 (2020) 16386-16393.
5. Vendruscolo, V., Giordano, L., Constantino, V.R.L., Rodrigues, L.C.V., Yb /Er co-doped Dion-Jacobson niobium layered perovskites as NIR-to-green upconversion materials New Journal of Chemistry 44 (2020) 10165-10171.
6. Machado, I.P., Pedroso, C.C.S., Carvalho, J.M., Teixeira, V.C., Rodrigues, L.C.V., Brito, H.F., A new path to design near-infrared persistent luminescence materials using Yb3+-doped rare earth oxysulfides Scripta Materialia 164 (2019) 57-61.
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