DNA Sequencing

  • Capillary sequencing
DNA Sequencing Service (Sanger method)
The DNA Sequencing Service (ssDNA ) is under operation since September 2002 in the Department of Biochemistry - Chemistry Institute of USP ( IQ ) under the responsibility of Prof. Suely Lopes Gomes. 
It is available to users of the Chemistry Institute, other units of USP and other institutions from Brazil and abroad.
Sequencers: ABI PRISM® 3130XL GeneticAnalyzer /HITACHI (16 capillary, 50 cm), installed in Bloco 12 inferior, room 1211.
For additional information: 
Luci Deise Navarro 
Phone: 11 3091-8970
  • High-throughput sequencing (NGS)
Access NGS Home page:  http://www.catg.iq.usp.br