Undergraduate training

-IQUSP Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students of IQ- USP can start their scientific initiation work, regardless they have funded with scholarship or not, as part of a course in any research lab. In order to to that, the students must get in contact with the faculties responsible for the various laboratories.
The IQ-USP undergraduate students have in their curriculum the following disciplines involving scientific initiation:
Courses 4604400 and 4604500
Forms for applications [Downloads]
Final report [Downloads]
-Students from other institutions
Plano de IC
Termo de Iniciação Científica sem bolsa (without scholarship)
Termo de Iniciação Científica com bolsa (with scholarship)
Formulário de Avaliação IC - Aluno
Formulário de Avaliação IC - Supervisor
Public Notice (Edital) [Download]
Public Notice (Edital) [Download]