
  • Bring a canvas: ENEQUI will occur by the end of January. Do you know what it means? SUMMER RAINS. Therefore, if you intend to be in the comfort of your tent with all your things dry, we advise you bring a canvas big enough to cover it.
  • Bring toilet paper: Obviously, we hope that won’t be necessary, as we intend to do everything to provide the best facilities as possible, however, do not take it for granted, ok?
  • Bring swimming clothes: We won’t have a pool in the accommodation, but we can’t assure shower curtains either. Bring your swimming clothes and guarantee a shower in the best BBBway.
  • Do not expect (much) comfort: Let’s be honest, ENEQUI will not provide you a SPA comfort. However, you should not make this an obstacle, come open minded and ready to live good experiences.
  • Bring a money case: Thefts in Sao Paulo’s center are common. If you are not used to the city and willing to know it, we advise you bring a money case to guarantee better security. And, above all, do not walk around with your wallet in the back pocket, ok?
  • Don't talk with strangers: Mother tip that applies very well in big cities. In the city center of São Paulo there are a lot of scams, and thieves are just waiting for you to slip-up to steal your stuff. Be careful to possible distractions.
  • Don't show your cellphone: Eventually, we became sloppy, mainly in public transportation. Be careful to thefts everywhere.
  • Uber: Here in Sao Paulo, Uber has become popular, which means you will not have to wait longer for one. Furthermore, it is cheaper and more comfortable than taxi.