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Research works developed at the Laboratory << Begin


Former Postdocs

José Eduardo Pereira da Silva - Instituto de Química
"Aqueous polyaniline blends for corrosion protection". (FAPESP) - August 2003 - August 2005.

Ailton Terezo - Instituto de Química de São Carlos - USP.
"Preparation and characterization of composites of LiMO2+conducting polymers (M = Co, Ni ou Mn) as materias for lithium secondary batteries". (FAPESP)- February 2002 - February 2003.

Emerson Girotto- Instituto de Química de São Carlos – USP.
“Preparation of composites formed by conducting polymers and lithiated transition metal oxides”. FAPESP. January 2001 – February 2002. He has now a permanent position at the Departamento de Química da Universidade Estadual de Maringá.

Luiz Henrique Dall’Antonia - Instituto de Química – USP.
“Electrochemical sensors and biosensors based on electronic conducting polymers”. FAPESP - April 2000 - agost 2001. He has now a permanent position at the Departamento de Química da Universidade Estadual de Londrina.

Silmara das Neves – Instituto de Química – USP.
“Preparartion and characterization of nanocomposites related to tecnological applications”. FAPESP - September 1997 - september 1999. She has now a permanent position at the Universidade São Francisco at Itatiba.

Mauricio Rosolen- Instituto de Química de São Carlos – USP.
“Study of the electrochemical reduction of fullerenes in solution and films”. CNPq 301493/95-2. January 1996 – July 1997. He has now a permanent position at Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto – USP.

Former Master and PhD students

Marcos Malta - Instituto de Química de São Carlos
"Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of nanotubes of transition metal oxides/conducting polymers nanocomposites". PhD thesis (FAPESP) (RMT) - 25/06/04. Nowadays, he has a pós-doctoral position at Prof. Richard Crooks laboratoty at the Chemistry Department of the Taxas A&M University.

Elaine Pavini Cintra - Instituto de Química
"Characterization and spectro-electrochemistry of conducting polymers prepared from bifunctional monomers". PhD thesis (CNPq) (SICT) - 14/12/03. Nowadays, she has a position as professor at the Faculdades Integradas do Vale do Ribeira, Registro, São Paulo.

José Eduardo Pereira da Silva - Instituto de Química
"Characterization and spectro-electrochemistry of conducting polyaniline based blends and the application for corrosion protection". PhD thesis (FAPESP) (SICT) - 04/06/03.

Silvio César de Oliveira - Instituto de Química de São Carlos
"Bismuth electrodeposition in gel electrolyte: the building up of an electrochromic device". PhD thesis (CNPq) (RMT) - 23/04/03. Nowadays, he has a position as full professor at the Departamento de Química da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul.

Fritz Huguenin - Instituto de Química de São Carlos
"Nanohybrids of V2O5/conducting polymers". PhD thesis (FAPESP) (RMT) - 21/03/03. He has now a permanent position at Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto – USP.

Solange de Souza - Área Interunidades - Ciências e Engenharia de Materiais (IFSC, IQSC e EESC).
"Corrosion inhibition by conducting polymers blends". PhD thesis (FAPESP) (RMT) - 21/11/02.

Fernanda Ferraz Camilo Bazito - Instituto de Química - USP.
"Spectroelectrochemical study of a alternate copolymer of PANI and PPS:PPSA-Poly(fenilene sulfide-fenilenamine)" . PhD thesis (FAPESP) (SICT) - 05/07/2002. Nowadays, she has a postdoctoral position at the Chemistry Department, University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA, working at the Prof. Buttry group.

Carla Dalmolin – Instituto de Química de São Carlos -USP.
“Electrochemical study of composites of MnO2 and conducting polymers”. Master thesis (FAPESP) (RMT)- 13/8/01.

Pablo Alejandro Fiorito - Instituto de Química - USP.
“Biosensors based on electronic conducting polymers”. Master thesis (FAPESP) (SICT) - 18/7/01.

Andreia Leal Schemid - Instituto de Química - USP.
“Spectroelectrochemistry of alquil substituted polyanilines”. Master thesis (FAPESP) (SICT) - 18/6/01.

Kellie Provazi de Souza - Instituto de Química - USP. 
“The effect of additives on the optical properties of nickel hydroxide electrodes”. Master thesis (FAPESP) (SICT) - 12/5/01. She is currently doing her PhD thesis at IPEN, São Paulo.

Ricardo Luiz Bruno – Instituto de Química de São Carlos -USP.
“Synthesis and polymerization of substituted pyrrole and aniline”. Master thesis (FAPESP) (RMT) - 13/11/00. He is currently doing his PhD thesis at the Departamento de Engenharia Química da UFSCar – São Carlos.

Alessandra Novais Bassetto Berton – Instituto de Química de São Carlos -USP.
“Spectroelectrochemical study of nickel sulfonated phtalocyanine films”. Master thesis (CAPES) (RMT) - 25/10/00. She is currently doing her PhD thesis at the Departamento de Química da Universidade Federal de Parana-Curitiba.

Marcos Malta – Instituto de Química de São Carlos -USP.
“Spectroelectrochemistry of polyaniline: redox behavior and structural relaxation”. Master thesis (CAPES) (RMT) - 29/06/00.

Silvanna Leite De Albuquerque Maranhão - Ciências e Engenharia de Materiais (IFSC, IQSC e EESC).
“Study of ionic transport during the redox process of polyaniline films”. PhD thesis (FAPESP) (RMT) - 11/04/00. Nowadays, she has a postdoctoral position at the Engenharia Química da USP – São Paulo.

Hamilton Varela – Instituto de Química de São Carlos -USP.
“Polyanilines as cathode materials for secondary lithium batteries”. Master thesis (FAPESP) (RMT) - 22/3/00. He is currently doing his PhD thesis at the Fritz-Haber Institut der Max-Planck of Berlin. Germany.

Silvio César De Oliveira – Instituto de Química de São Carlos -USP.
“Electrochemical and electrogravimetric study of bismuth deposition”. Master thesis (CNPq) (RMT) - 5/3/99.

José Eduardo Pereira da Silva – Instituto de Química – USP.
“Vibrational characterization of secondary doping process of polyaniline and polyphenilamine”. Master thesis (CNPq) (SICT) - 19/03/99.

Silvanna Leite De Albuquerque Maranhão - Ciências e Engenharia de Materiais (IFSC, IQSC e EESC).
“Electrochromism of anodic niobium oxide films”. Master thesis (CNPq) (RMT) – 04/07/96.

Mauricio Pereira Cantão - Instituto de Física - UNICAMP.
“Electro-insertion of lithium in titanium oxide films: electrochromism”. PhD thesis (RMT) - 22/12/93. He is currently working at the LACTEC - Curitiba.