![]() Koiti Araki |
Born in São Paulo state on December 1th, 1963; married, one daughter. Education: BS in Chemistry (1986), PhD (1994). Academic Positions: Assistant Professor (1989/2000); Associate Prof. since Dec/2000; Visiting Associate Caltech 1990/91 (Prof. Fred C. Anson); Visiting Associate MIT 1995/96 (Prof. Mark S. Wrighton).
Undergraduate Course Activities: Lecturer of General and Inorganic Chemistry.
Graduate Course Activities: Lecturer of Inorganic Spectroscopy and Electrochemistry.
Research Activities: Inorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Molecular Devices and Nanoscience.
Advisor of 3 MS/Doctoral Thesis and 7 Undergraduate Research
Distinctions: CNPq fellow 2B; Research Prize (1987) of Brazilian Society of Japanese Culture
Publications: 49 articles
Meetings: 115 Communications
Research Grants: Fundação de Amparo
à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) and Conselho Nacional
de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).
Short Scientific Biography
My experience in chemistry research started in 1983 as a undergraduate student under Prof. Osvaldo A. Serra (Univ. S. Paulo, at Ribeirão Preto). After obtaining the BS degree in Chemistry from University of São Paulo, I continued the graduate studies at Instituto de Química of Universidade de São Paulo, with the support of CNPq (Brazilian Research Council), under the supervision of Prof. Henrique E. Toma. The PhD thesis (1994) focused on the synthesis and the study of catalytic, electrochemical and photophysical properties of tetraruthenated porphyrins. In this systems, the peripheral groups play an important role in the catalytic activity of the porphyrin center, acting as electron source or receptors and as electronic modifiers by coupling with the central active site. During this period of time, I also had the benefit of working at Caltech, at Prof. Anson's Group, in exciting electrochemical problems, using ring-disc techniques.
Afterwards, my interest was focused on the applications of the supramolecular materials and assemblies. In 1995, I moved up to Prof. Mark Wrighton's Group (MIT) and worked on the build-up of porphyrin films with monolayer thickness control. Returning to Brazil in 1996, those films were employed to prepare devices and modified electrodes with rectifying and photoelectrochemical properties. Since then, several high performance sensors for some chemicals and biological species have been developed in collaboration with Prof. L. Angnes. The photochemical properties of the supramolecular porphyrins are been explored for intercalation and as sensitizers for photooxidation of DNA, in collaboration with Prof. P. Di Mascio and more recently with Prof. M.S. Baptista; and as homogeneous catalysts (cytochrome P-450 model) in collaboration with Prof. Y. Iamamoto. Particularly interesting results are also been obtained in the electrochemical, spectroelectrochemistry and photochemical studies of N-confused and doubly N-confused porphyrins, in collaboration with Prof. H. Furuta, A. Osuka and T. Ogawa in Japan. At this moment, I am very excited about the perspectives of the projects that just have been started in collaboration with Prof. Marcos Eberlin.
Currently, the work is being extended to
other systems, involving the preparation of new supramolecular porphyrin
materials constituted by organized arrays of molecules. Shortly, my research
interests are the electrochemistry, spectroscopy, photochemistry and electrocatalytic
properties of supramolecular porphyrins and porphyrinic materials and their
applications in molecular nanotechnology. By now, 4 graduate students and
3 undergraduate students are conducting the research under my supervision.
I am lucky to have nice friends and collaborators in Brazil and around the
Graduate Students:
Marcelo Bariatto Andrade Fontes (PhD 1999)
Herbert Winnischofer (MS 2000)
Fábio Monaro Engelmann (MS 2001)
Ildemar Mayer (PhD )
Luis Fernando de O. Furtado (PhD )
Pos-Doctorate Fellows:
Pellegrino Losco (1999-2001)
52. Maria S.M. Quintino, Koiti Araki, Henrique E. Toma e Lúcio Angnes, "Batch injection analysis utilizing modified electrodes with tetraruthenated porphyrin films for acetaminophen quantification", Electroanalysis (in press).
51. Herbert Winnischofer, Fábio M. Engelmann, Henrique E. Toma, Koiti Araki e Hercílio R. Rechenberg, "Acid-base and spectroscopic properties of a novel supramolecular porphyrin bonded to four pentacyanoferrate(II) groups", Inorg. Chim. Acta 338 (2002) 27-35.
50. José R.C. Rocha, Gregoire J.-F. Demets, Mauro Bertotti, Koiti Araki e Henrique E. Toma, "Charge transfer at electrostatically assembled tetraruthenated porphyrin modified electrodes", J. Electroanal. Chem. 526 (2002) 69-76.
49. Koiti Araki e Henrique E. Toma, "Química de sistemas supramoleculares constituídos por porfirinas e complexos metálicos", Química Nova 25 (2002) 962-975.
48. Fábio M. Engelmann, Pellegrino Losco, Herbert Winnischofer, Koiti Araki e Henrique E. Toma, "Synthesis, Electrochemistry, Spectroscopy and Photophysical Properties of a Series of Meso-(PhenylPyridyl)Porphyrins Coordinated to [Ru(bipy)2Cl]+ Groups", J. Porph. & Phthalocyanines 6 (2002) 43-49.
47. José Roberto Caetano da Rocha, Mauro Bertotti, Lúcio Angnes, Koiti Araki e Henrique Eisi Toma; "Amperometric detection of nitrite and nitrate at tetraruthenated porphyrin-modified electrodes in a continuous-flow assembly", Anal. Chim. Acta 452 (2002) 23-28.
46. Henrique E. Toma e Koiti Araki, "Spectroelectrochemical Characterization of Organic and Metal-Organic Compounds", Curr. Org. Chem. 6 (2002) 21-34.
45. Vera R. Leopoldo Constantino, Koiti Araki, Denise de Oliveira Silva e Wanda de Oliveira; "Preparação de Compostos de Alumínio a Partir da Bauxita: Considerações sobre alguns aspectos envolvidos em um experimento didático", Química Nova 25 (2002) 490-498.
44. Koiti Araki, Pellegrino Losco, Fábio M. Engelmann, Herbert Winnischofer e Henrique E. Toma, "Modulation of Vectorial Energy Transfer in Tetrakis{Tris(Bipyridine)Ruthenium(II)}Porphyrins", J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chemistry 142 (2001) 25-30.
43. Henrique E. Toma, Koiti Araki, Anamaria D. P. Alexiou, Sofia Nikolaou e Sergio Dovidauskas, "Monomeric and Extended Oxo-Centered Triruthenium Clusters", Coord. Chem. Revs. 219-221 (2001) 187-234.
42. Koiti Araki, Herbert Winnischofer, Henrique E. Toma, Hiromitsu Maeda, Atsuhiro Osuka e Hiroyuki Furuta, "Acid-Base and Spectroelectrochemical Properties of Doubly N-Confused Porphyrins", Inorg. Chem. 40 (2001) 2020-2025 .
41. Koiti Araki, Sergio Dovidauskas, Herbert Winnischofer, Anamaria D. P. Alexiou e Henrique Eisi Toma, "A New Highly Efficient Tetra-Electronic Catalyst Based On a Cobalt Porphyrin Bonded to Four µ3-Oxo-Ruthenium Acetate Clusters", J. Electroanal. Chem. 498 (2001) 152-160.
40. Sergio Dovidauskas, Koiti Araki e Henrique E. Toma, "Electrochemical and Binding Properties of a Meso-Tetra(4-Pyridyl)Porphynato Zinc Supermolecule containing Four m3-oxo-Triruthenium-Acetate Clusters", J. Porph & Phtaloc. 4 (2000) 727-735.
39. Marcos M. Toyama, Gregoire J.F. Demets, Koiti Araki e Henrique E. Toma, "Highly Conductive Electrostatically Assembled Porphyrazine Films", Electrochem. Commun. 2, 11 (2000) 749-753.
38. Henrique E. Toma, Koiti Araki e Sergio Dovidauskas, "A Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment Illustrating Linkage Isomers, Redox Potentials, Equilibrium Constants and Substitution Reactions in Coordination Chemistry", J. Chem. Ed. 77 (2000) 1351-1353.
37. Sergio Dovidauskas, Henrique E. Toma, Koiti Araki , Hérica C. Sacco e Yassuko Iamamoto, "(5,10,15,20-Tetra(4-pyridil)porphinato)manganese(III) Acetate Modified By Four m3-Oxo-Triruthenium Acetate Clusters: Synthesis, Characterization, Electrochemical Behavior And Catalytic Activity", Inorg. Chim. Acta 305 (2000) 206-213.
36. Henrique E. Toma, Ricardo M. Serrasqueiro, Reginaldo C. Rocha, Gregoire J. F. Demets, Herbert Winnischofer, Koiti Araki, Paulo E. A. Ribeiro e Claudio L. Donnici, "Photophysical and Photoelectrochemical Properties of the bis(2,2'-bipyridine)(4,4'-dimethylthio-2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) Complex", J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: 135 (2000) 185-191.
35. Marcelo Franco, Koiti Araki, Reginaldo C. Rocha e Henrique E. Toma, "Molecular Association and Solvent Effects in the Electronic and NMR Spectra of the Tricyanoterpyridineruthenate(II) Complex", J. Solution Chem. 29 (2000) 667-684.
34. Koiti Araki, Cristiane A. Silva, Henrique E. Toma, Luis H. Catalani, Marisa H. G. Medeiros e Paolo Di Mascio, "Zinc Tetraruthenated Porphyrin Binding and Photoinduced Oxidation of Calf-Thymus DNA", J. Inorg. Biochem. 78 (2000) 269-273.
33. Koiti Araki, Simone S. Lima e Herbert Winnischofer, "Thin Molecular Films of Supramolecular Porphyrins", An. Acad. Bras. Ciências 72 (2000) 1-6.
32. Henrique E. Toma e Koiti Araki, "Supramolecular Assemblies of Ruthenium Complexes and Porphyrins", Coord. Chem. Rev. 196 (2000) 307-329.
31. Osvaldo Sala, Koiti Araki e Lúcia K. Noda, "A procedure to obtain the effective nuclear charge from the atomic spectrum of sodium", J. Chem. Ed. 76 (1999) 1269-1271.
30. Marcelo B.A. Fontes, Lúcio Angnes, Koiti Araki , Rogério Furlan e Jorge J. Santiago-Avilés, Química Analítica, 18 (1999) 136-137.
29. Marcelo B.A. Fontes, Rogério Furlan, Jorge J. Santiago-Avilés e Koiti Araki, "Development and Characterization of an Array of Silicon Based Microelectrodes", J. Solid-State Devices and Circuits, 7 (1999) 12-16.
28. Hiroyuki Furuta, Takuji Ogawa, Yoshiya Uwatoko e Koiti Araki, "N-Confused Tetraphenylporphyrin-Silver (III) Complex", Inorg. Chem. 38 (1999) 2676-2682.
27. Carla M. N. Azevedo, Koiti Araki, Henrique E. Toma e Lúcio Angnes, "Determination of sulfur dioxide in wines by gas-diffusion flow injection analysis utilizing modified electrodes with electrostatically assembled films of tetraruthenated porphyrin", Anal. Chim. Acta. 387 (1999) 175-180.
26. R.C. Rocha, Koiti Araki e H.E. Toma, "Influence of the fluxional behaviour on the intervalence transfer properties of the binuclear µ-benzotriazolate-bis{ruthenium(II)/(III)-edta} complex", Inorg. Chim. Acta 285 (1999) 197-202.
25. Koiti Araki e Henrique E. Toma, "Electrochemistry of a Tetraruthenated Iron Porphyrin and its Electrostatically Assembled Bilayered Films", Electrochim. Acta 44 (1999) 1577-1583.
24. Marcos M. Toyama, Marcelo Franco, Luiz H. Catalani, Koiti Araki e Henrique E. Toma, "Spectroelectrochemical and Photophysical Properties of a (3,4-Pyridyl) Porphyrazine Supermolecule Containing Four [Ru(bipy)2Cl]+ Groups", J. Photochem. Photobiol. 118 (1998) 11-17.
23. J.-L. Ravanat, J. Cadet, Koiti Araki, H.E. Toma, M.H.G. Medeiros e P. Di Mascio, "Supramolecular Cationic Tetraruthenated Porphyrins Promote the Light-Induced Decomposition of 2'-deoxyguanosine Predominantly via a Singlet Oxygen-Mediated Mechanism", Photochem. Photobiol. 68 (1998) 698-702.
22. Henrique E. Toma, Koiti Araki e Edegar O. Silva, "Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Dodecanuclear Porphyrin Ruthenium-Cluster", Monatshefte fur Chemie 129 (1998) 975-984.
21. Koiti Araki, Adriano L. Araújo, Marcos M. Toyama, Marcelo Franco, Carla M.N. Azevedo, Lúcio Angnes e Henrique E. Toma, "Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Study of a Tetrapyridylporphyrin Modified with Four Bis-(1,10-Phenanthroline)ChloroRuthenium(II) Complexes", J. Porphyrins & Phthalocyanines 2 (1998) 467-472.
20. M.M. Toyama, Koiti Araki e H.E. Toma, "Absorption and Luminescence spectra of tetra(3-pyridyl)porphyrazine: a convergent spectroscopic method for the elucidation of association reactions in solution", Spectr. Letters 31 (1998) 1065-1074.
19. Carla M.N. Azevedo, Koiti Araki, Lúcio Angnes e Henrique E. Toma, "Electrostatically Assembled Films for Improving the Properties of Tetraruthenated Porphyrins Modified Electrodes", Electroanalysis 10 (1998) 467-471.
18. Reginaldo C. Rocha, Koiti Araki e Henrique E. Toma, "Linkage Isomerism, Kinetics and Electrochemistry of Ruthenium-edta Complexes of Benzotriazole", Transition Metal Chem. 23 (1) (1998) 13-16.
17. Adriano L. de Araújo, Carlos A. Neves, Ana Maria C.Ferreira e Koiti Araki, "Simulação do Processo Solvay no Laboratório Didático", Química Nova 21, 1 (1998) 114-116.
16. Koiti Araki, Michael J. Wagner e Mark S. Wrighton, "Layer-by-Layer Growth of Electrostatically Assembled Multilayer Porphyrin Films", Langmuir 12, 22 (1996) 5393-5398.
15. Lúcio Angnes, Carla M.N. Azevedo, Koiti Arak i e Henrique E. Toma, "Electrochemical Detection of NADH and Dopamine in Flow Analysis Based on Tetraruthenated Porphyrin Modified Electrodes", Analytica Chimica Acta. 329 (1996) 91-96.
14. Janice Onuki, Marisa H.G. Medeiros, Koiti Araki , Henrique E. Toma, Luiz H. Catalani e Paolo di Macio, "Supramolecular cationic tetraruthenated porphyrin induces single-strand breaks and 8-oxo-7,8-dihidroxo-2'-deoxyguanosine formation in DNA in the presence of light", Photochem. Photobiol. 63 (1996) 272-277.
13. Koiti Araki, Lúcio Angnes, Carla M.N. Azevedo e Henrique E. Toma, "Electrochemistry of a Tetraruthenated Cobalt Porphyrin and Its Use in Modified Electrodes as Sensors of Reducing Analytes", J. Electroanal. Chem. 397 (1995) 205-210.
12. Koiti Araki, Lúcio Angnes e Henrique E. Toma, "Rectifying Properties and Photoconductivity of Tetraruthenated Nickel Porphyrin Films", Advanced Materials 7 (1995) 554-558.
11. Koiti Araki, Paulo S. Santos, Luiz F.C. de Oliveira e Henrique E. Toma, "Resonance Raman Spectra of a Supramolecular Species Containing Four Ruthenium(II)-Bipyridine Complexes Attached to Zinc-Tetra(Pyridyl) Porphynate", Spectr. Letters 28 (1995) 119-126.
10. Koiti Araki e Henrique E. Toma, "Luminescence, Spectroelectrochemistry and Photoelectrochemical Properties of a Tetraruthenated Zinc Porphyrin", J Photochem. Photobiol. 83 (1994) 245-250.
9. Koiti Araki e Henrique E. Toma, "Spectroelectrochemistry and Electrocatalytic Properties of a Tetraruthenated Nickel Porhyrin", J. Chem. Res. (S) (1994) 290; (M) (1994) 1501-1515.
8. Henrique E. Toma e Koiti Araki, "Synthesis and Characterization of a Multibridged Porphyrin Complex Containing Peripheral Bis(Bipyridine)Ruthenium(II) Groups", J. Coord. Chem. 30 (1993) 9-17.
7. Koiti Araki, Paulo S. Santos e Henrique E. Toma, "Electronic and Ressonance Raman Spectra of a Multibridged Iron Porphyrin", Spectr. Letters 26 (1993) 1417-1426.
6. Henrique E. Toma, Francisca N. Rein, Sheila G. Câmara e Koiti Araki, "Spectroelectrochemical and Kinetic Behavior of the [Ru(edta)-(diethyldithiocarbamate)] Complex", Transition Metal Chem. 17 (1992) 535-538.
5. Fred. C. Anson, Ching-Fong Shu e Koiti Araki, "Electrochemical and Spectral Characterization of the "Square Scheme" for the Substitution of N-Methylpirazinium Cation on the Ethylenediamine-Tetraacetate Complexes of Ru(III) and Ru(II), Inorg. Chem. 30 (1991) 3043-3047.
4. Henrique E. Toma e Koiti Araki, "Spectroelectrochemical Analysis of Overlapping Redox Processes in a Tetrametallated Iron Porphyrin", J. Electroanal. Chem. 297 (1991) 301-307.
3. Henrique E. Toma e Koiti Araki, "Synthesis and Electrochemical Behavior of a Tetrametallated Cobalt Porphyrin", Inorg. Chim. Acta. 179 (1991) 293-296.
2. Henrique E. Toma e Koiti Araki, "Electrochemical Studies of Dimethyl Sulphoxide Complexes of Ruthenium(II/III) with EDTA", J. Coord. Chem. 24 (1991) 1-8.
1. Henrique E. Toma e Koiti Araki,
"Synthesis and Properties of a New Polymetallated Iron Porphyrin", J.
Chem. Research (1990) 82-83 .