Video Lectures on Quantum Chemistry - Graduate
(Lectures in English)
Graduate Course online - February 2022:

[QFL5648] Introduction to Simulation Techniques of Photophysical and Photochemical Processes in Biological Environments
Prof. Dr. Juan José Nogueira - MoBioChem, Department of Chemistry, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Borin - Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Antonio Carlos Borin - YouTube channel:
Playlist: QFL5648 - Introdução às Técnicas de Simulação de Processos Fotofísicos e Fotoquímicos de Sistemas Biológicos
OBJECTIVES: An introduction to fundamental aspects of hybrid quantum chemical methods (quantum chemistry and molecular mechanics, QM/MM) and applications in photochemistry and photophysics of biological systems.
CONTENT: This course will be an introduction to the theoretical chemistry methods usually employed to model physical and chemical processes taking place in biological environments: classical molecular dynamics, enhancedsampling techniques, such as umbrella sampling and gaussian accelerated molecular dynamics, and QM/MM schemes for both ground and excited states. The methods will be explained in theory lectures and will be applied to practical problems in hands-on sessions.
Theoretical classes: 12 hours (4 days, 3 hours per class)
Computacionais practical classes with free software (AmberTools, Orca, VMD, MoBioTools): 16 hours (4 days, 4 hours per class)
1. J. J. Nogueira and L. González. Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 2018, 69, 473.
2. E. Brunk and U. Rothlisberger. Chem. Rev. 2015, 115, 6217.
3. S. A. Adcock and J. A. McCammon. Chem. Rev. 2006, 106, 1589.
4. C. D. Christ, A. E. Mark, and W. F. van Gunsteren. J. Comput. Chem. 2010, 31, 1569.
5. MoBioChem group YouTube channel
Theory Lectures 10:00 – 13:00 GMT -3:00 Brasília:
- Day 1. 1st Feb 2022: Molecular Dynamics, Equations of Motion and Force Fields.
- Day 2. 4st Feb 2022: Periodic Boundary Conditions. Introduction to Enhanced-Sampling Approaches.
- Day 3. 8st Feb 2022: Umbrella Sampling and Replica Exchange.
- Day 4. 11st Feb 2022: QM/MM and Research Examples.
- Day 5. 15st Feb 2022: Classical Molecular Dynamics.
- Day 6. 18st Feb 2022: Umbrella Sampling.
- Day 7. 22st Feb 2022: Computation of Redox Potentials.
- Day 8. 25st Feb 2022: Computation of Absorption Spectra.