1. | BELLUCO, M. F. ; FUSARI, M. F. ; DAMATO, T. C. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. O ensino remoto e o ensino híbrido durante a pandemia: benefícios e desvantagens. Em: ENALIC - VIII Encontro Nacional das Licenciaturas, 2021, SÃO PAULO. Anais do VIII ENALIC, v. 1, 2021. |
2. | SILVA, K. C. M. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA MARIA. DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PRODUTOS PARA APLICAÇÃO FOLIAR DE MICRONUTRIENTES EM PLANTAS. Em: 9o. Workshop do Programa Mestrado Profissional em Química do IQ-USP, 2021, São Paulo. 2o. Anais do Programa Mestrado Profissional em Química do IQ-USP. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, v. 1, p. 78-83, 2021. |
3. | SOUZA, B. E. ; RODRIGUES, M. S. ; FERREIRA, S. N. ; LEAO, C. S. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Alquimia e Química: Será que são parentes?. Em: ENALIC - VIII Encontro Nacional das Licenciaturas, 2021, SÃO PAULO. Anais do VIII ENALIC, v. 1, 2021. |
1. | SILVA, K. C. M. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.. Desenvolvimento de compostos de coordenação para aplicação foliar. Em: 8o. Worshop do Programa de Mestrado Profissional do Instituto de Química da USP, 2020, São Paulo. Anais do Programa de Mestrado Profissional do Instituto de Química da USP. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, v. 8, p. 88-92, 2020. |
1. | CASTRO, P. M. A. ; GASTALDO, B. ; GOES, L. F. ; NOGUEIRA, K. S. C. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Validating an Instrument for Assessing the PCK of Galvanic Cells. Em: 14th ECRICE European Conference on Research on Chemical Education, 2018, Varsóvia. Book of Abstracts of 14th ECRICE. Varsóvia: University of Warsaw, v. 1, p. 75-76, 2018. |
2. | CASTRO, P. M. A. ; GOES, L. F. ; AGOSTINHO, Sílvia Maria Leite ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Improvement of teachers? understanding about redox reactions in a CPD. Em: 14th ECRICE European Conference on Research in Chemical Education, 2018, Varsóvia. Book of Abstracts 14th ECRICE. Varsóvia: University of Warsaw, v. 1, 2018. |
3. | GOES, L. F. ; CASTRO, P. M. A. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Teachers understanding in redox reactions: redox models, simultaneity and reducing agent. Em: 14th ECRICE European Conference on Research in Chemical Education, 2018, Varsóvia. Book of Abstarcts 14th ECRICE. VArsóvia: University of Warsaw, v. 1, 2018. |
4. | GOES, L. F. ; NOGUEIRA, K. S. C. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. An Investigation of Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers? Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Reports of Supervised Internship. Em: 14th ECRICE European Conference on Research in Chemical Education, 2018, Varsóvia. Book of Abstracts of 14th ECRICE. Varsóvia: University of Warsaw, v. 1, p. 71-72, 2018. |
1. | CICUTO, C. A. T. ; TORRES, B. B.. Ambiente de aprendizagem centrado no aluno: um estudo sobre expectativas. Em: X Congreso Internacional sobre Investigación en la Didáctica de las Ciencias, 2017, Sevilha. Anais do X Congreso Internacional sobre Investigación en la Didáctica de las Ciencias, v. 1, 2017. |
2. | CICUTO, C. A. T. ; TORRES, B. B.. Uma abordagem centrada no Aluno em Bioquímica: estudo sobre a avaliação da qualidade do ensino. Em: X Congreso Internacional sobre Investigación en la Didáctica de las Ciencias, 2017, Sevilha. Anais do X Congreso Internacional sobre Investigación en la Didáctica de las Ciencias, v. 1, 2017. |
1. | REIS, T. O. ; GOES, L. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. A representação do conteúdo de oxirredução por meio de imagens nos livros didáticos de química para o Ensino Médio. Em: XVIII Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Química - ENEQ, 2016, Florianópolis. Anais do XVIII ENEQ. Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2016. |
2. | REIS, T. O. ; GOES, L. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Reações redox e livros didáticos: um mapeamento do conteúdo de oxirredução em livros de química para o Ensino Médio. Em: XVIII Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Química - ENEQ, 2016, Florianópolis. Anais do XVIII ENEQ. Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2016. |
1. | CUBERO, J. ; MIYAMOTO, S. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Construção de uma escala de mensuração de atitudes para identificação de concepções prévias sobre radicais livres e antioxidantes. Em: 38a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2015, Águas de Lindoia.. Caderno de Resumos da 38a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química. São Paulo: SBQ, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2015. |
2. | GOES, L. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Using CoRes for capturing pedagogical content knowledge of redox reactions. Em: ESERA - European Science Education Research Association Conference, 2015, Helsinki. ESERA 2015 Conference Book. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, v. 1, p. 72-72, 2015. |
3. | MOREIRA, W. A. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Development of pedagogical content knowledge for scientific argumentation of an early career chemistry teacher. Em: ESERA - European Science Education Research Association Conference, 2015, Helsinki. ESERA 2015 Conference Book. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, v. 1, p. 51-51, 2015. |
4. | NOGUEIRA, K. S. C. ; Cintra, E.P. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Knowledge base enlargement of a pre-service chemistry teacher in the context of a Brazilian initial training program. Em: ESERA - European Science Education Research Association Conference, 2015, Helsinki. ESERA 2015 Conference Book. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, v. 1, p. 72-72, 2015. |
1. | ALMEIDA FILHO, S. A. ; CONSTANTINO, V. R. L. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.. Copper complexes for potential applications in environmental chemistry. Em: XVII Brazilian Meeting on Inorganic Chemistry (XVII BMIC), 2014, Araxá, MG. Abstracts, 2014. |
2. | DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M. Investigating Essential Metal-based Metallodrugs: experimental work supported by theoretical calculations. Em: 1st Symposium on Current Topics in Molecular Biophysics, 2014, São Paulo. Abstracts. São Paulo, 2014. |
3. | DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.; PORTES, M. C. ; VERAS, L. M. ; LEITE, J. R. ; Mascarenhas, Y.. Structural and spectroscopic characterization of epiisopiloturine-metal complexes, and its anti-helmintic activity versus S. mansoni. Em: 4th Latin American Meeting on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (IV LABIC), 2014, Chascomus, Argentina. Abstracts, 2014. |
4. | ESCRIBANO, E. ; MATIAS, T. A. ; ARAKI, K. ; PORTELA, C. L. ; MARQUES, F. L. N. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.. Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity assays of novel binuclear Cu(II)-Pt(II) and correlated mononuclear copper(II) complexes with oxindolimine ligands. Em: European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (Eurobic), 2014, Zurich. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem.. Firenze: SBIC, v. 19, p. S783-S783, 2014. |
5. | FREIRE, L. I. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Signs of teachers´ pedagogical practices on chemistry teachers educators. Em: 2nd International Congress of Science Education, 2014, Foz de Iguaçu. Paraná. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Science Education. Foz de Iguaçu: UNILA, v. 15, p. 205-205, 2014. |
6. | GOES, L. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Pegagogical Content Knowledge: twenty six years of research. Em: 2nd International Congress of Science Education, 2014, Foz de Iguaçu. Paraná. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Science Education. Foz de Iguaçu: UNILA, v. 15, p. 61-61, 2014. |
7. | LEAL, S. H. B. S. ; NOVAIS, R.M. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Assessment of chemistry learning: conceptions of an experienced teacher in higher education. Em: 2nd International Congress of Science Education, 2014, Foz de Iguaçu. 2nd International Congress of Science Education. Foz de Iguaçu: UNILA, v. 15, p. 85-85, 2014. |
8. | NOGUEIRA, K. S. C. ; Cintra, E.P. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Authorship in the texts of the chemistry olympiad 2011 edition of the State of São Paulo. Em: 2nd International Congress of Science Education, 2014, Foz de Iguaçu. Paraná. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Science Education. Foz de Iguaçu: UNILA, v. 15, p. 206-206, 2014. |
9. | ORNELLAS, J. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Base knowledge for chemistry teacher education: an analysis of Brazilian official documents. Em: 2nd International Congress of Science Education, 2014, Foz de Iguaçu. Paraná. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Science Education. Foz de Iguaçu: UNILA, v. 15, p. 108-108, 2014. |
11. | PETERSEN, PHILIPPE ALEXANDRE DIVINA ; Petrilli, H.M. ; KUMAR, N. ; FERREIRA, ANA MARIA C.. Theoretical studies of SU9516 isaepy and isaenim molecules as inhibitors for cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2). Em: 13o. ENCONTRO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISA EM MATERIAIS (SBPMat), 2014, João Pessoa. Resumos - SBPMat 13. Rio de Janeiro, p. 1400-1400, 2014. |
12. | Silva, A.N. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. A chemistry teacher and two scholar contexts: the pedagogical content knowledge in action. Em: 2nd International Congress of Science Education, 2014, Foz de Iguaçu. Paraná. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Science Education. Foz de Iguaçu: UNILA, v. 15, p. 62-62, 2014. |
13. | Virgino, A.L. ; Nascimento, R.R. ; LIMA, F. D. ; Ferreira, Ana Maria da C. ; Petrilli, H.M. ; VERAS, L. M. ; LEITE, J. R. ; Mascarenhas, Y. ; PORTES, M. C. ; MAFUD, A. C.. Ab initio hyperfine electronic properties of metal complexes with potential biological activity. Em: 13o. ENCONTRO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISA EM MATERIAIS (SBPMat), 2014, p. 821-821, 2014. |
14. | WEGERMANN, C. A. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.. Oxindolimine ligands as complexing agents of metals ions implicated in Alzheimer disease. Em: XVII Brazilian Meeting on Inorganic Chemistry (XVII BMIC), 2014, Araxá, MG. Abstracts, 2014. |
1. | DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.; MADUREIRA, J. P. L. ; MASCIO, P.. DNA binding mode and selectivity of Cu-isaepy complexes assessed by ESI-MS and CD studies with 6-mers. Em: 16th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC 16), 2013, Grenoble, France. Abstracts ICBIC16. Grenoble, France, 2013. |
2. | DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.; PAULA, Q. A. ; SABINO, G. L. ; DARIO, B. S. ; RIBEIRO, G. A. ; VIEIRA, L. Q.. Metal complexes based on oxindolimine ligands: antitumor and antiparasite activities. Em: 12th International Symposium on Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, 2013, Punta del Leste, Uruguay. Abstracts and Proceedings. Montevideo: Faculty of Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry, v. 1, p. 014-014, 2013. |
3. | Garcia-Diaz, Beatriz ; Barros, Mario ; SANNA-CHERCHI, S. ; Emmanuele, Valentina ; Akman, Hasan O. ; FERREIRO-BARROS, C. C. ; Horvath, Rita ; Tadesse, Saba ; GHARABY, N. E. ; DiMauro, Salvatore ; De Vivo, Darryl C. ; Shokr, Aly ; Hirano, Michio ; Quinzii, Catarina M.. Infantile Encephaloneuromyopathy and Defective Mitochondrial Translation Are Due to a Homozygous RMND1 Mutation. Em: Child Neurology II - American Academy of Neurology, 2013. Neurology, v. 80, 2013. |
4. | NUNES, C. J. ; PRIETO, M. B. ; OLIVEIRA, C. C. ; B.E. Borges ; L.S. Nakao ; HARDRE, R. ; FAURE, B. ; ´Réglier, M. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.. Nuclease activity and cytotoxicity towards melanoma cells of dinuclear copper(II) complexes, mimics of tyrosinase. Em: 16th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC 16), 2013, Grenoble, France. Abstracts ICBIC16. Grenoble, France, 2013. |
5. | SILVA, J. G. ; MARSON, G. A.. Estudo das representações visuais em questões de química dos exames vestibulares de universidades públicas do Estado de Sao Paulo. Em: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE PESQUISA EM EDUCACAO EM CIENCIAS, 2013, Águas de Lindóia. Resumos, v. 9, p. 126, 2013. |
6. | VIEIRA, S. ; KATKAR, P. ; CASTELLI, S. ; BENITEZ, J. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M. ; GAMBINO, D. ; DESIDERI, A.. Targeting human topoisomerase I with different vanadyl compounds. Em: 12th International Symposium on Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, 2013, Punta del Leste, Uruguay. Abstracts and Proceedings. Montevideo: Faculty of Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry, v. 1, p. 41-41, 2013. |
(*) Relatório criado com produções desde 2013 até HOJE
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