1. | -DO AMARAL, ANTONIA T. Search of novel potential inhibitors of ecto-5´-nucleotidase (CD73) by virtual screening. Em: Computer Aided Drug Design, 2015, West Dover. Gordon Research Conferences, v. 00, p. 00-00, 2015. |
2. | -DO AMARAL, ANTONIA T. How to assess Dengue virus NS2B/NS3pro binding-site flexibility in the search for novel inhibitors ?. Em: Computer Aided Drug Design, 2015, West Dover. Resumos Computer Aided Drug Design, v. 00, p. 00-00, 2015. |
3. | -DO AMARAL, ANTONIA T.; Lucas Gasparello Vivviani ; Picirillo Erika ; PERON, L. M. ; REZENDE, L. de. Virtual screening search for novel potential inhibitors of human ecto-5´-nucleotidase (e5NT/CD73). 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
4. | ALMEIDA, E. A. Ecotoxicologia e Avaliação de Risco Ambiental. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
5. | ALMEIDA, E. A. Alterações metabólicas em organismos aquáticos em resposta a contaminantes ambientais. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
6. | ALMEIDA, J. C. ; PAIXAO, D. A. ; MARZANO, I. M. ; ELLENA, J. ; PIVATTO, M. ; LOPES, N. P. ; Ferreira, A.M.D.C. ; Pereira-Maia, E.C. ; GUILARDI, S. ; GUERRA, W.. Copper(II) complexes with β-diketones and N-donor heterocyclic ligands: Crystal structure, spectral properties, and cytotoxic activity. Polyhedron. v. 89, p. 1-8, issn: 0277-5387, 2015.  |
7. | AMARAL, Antonia T.-do. Virtual Screening Search for Cruzain Inhibitors: Development and Experimental Validation. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
8. | ANDRADE, D. A. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Base de conhecimentos para o ensino avaliados nos concursos públicos de seleção de professores de Química. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
9. | Androwiki, A ; CAMARGO, L. L. ; SARTORETTO, S. ; COUTO, G. K. ; RIBEIRO, I. ; VERÍSSIMO FILHO, Sidney ; Rossoni, L.V. ; Lopes, LR. Protein disulfide isomerase expression increases in resistance arteries during hypertension development. Effects on Nox1 NADPH oxidase signaling. Frontiers in Chemistry. v. 3, p. 24, issn: 2296-2646, 2015.  |
10. | Appolinário, Patricia Postilione ; Medinas, Danilo Bilches ; CHAVES-FILHO, ADRIANO B. ; Genaro-Mattos, Thiago C. ; CUSSIOL, JOSÉ RENATO ROSA ; NETTO, LUIS EDUARDO SOARES ; Augusto, Ohara ; Miyamoto, Sayuri. Oligomerization of Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1) by Docosahexaenoic Acid and Its Hydroperoxides In Vitro: Aggregation Dependence on Fatty Acid Unsaturation and Thiols. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0125146, issn: 1932-6203, 2015.  |
11. | ARAÚJO, HANIEL A. ; TANAKA, LEONARDO ; HIRONAKA, GUSTAVO K. ; ARAUJO, THAÍS L. S. ; TAKIMURA, C. K. ; MORALES, A. I. T. ; CASAGRANDE, ANNELISE S. ; GUTIERREZ, PAULO S. ; LEMOS-NETO, PEDRO ALVES ; Laurindo, FR. Peri/epicellular protein dissulfide isomerase reshapes vascular architecture to counteracts constrictive remodeling. Em: XV Brazilian Congresss of Atherosclerosis, 2015, Campos do Jordão, SP. BBA clinical, v. 3, p. 514-514, 2015. |
12. | ARINI, G. S. ; FIORINI, L. F. ; CICUTO, C. A. T. ; MONTAGNA, E. ; TORRES, B. B.. Desempenho dos alunos na resolução de problemas em um ambiente de aprendizagem ativa. Em: X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, 2015. |
13. | BACELLAR, I.O.L. ; JUNQUEIRA, H.C. ; DANTAS, L. S. ; WAINWRIGHT, M. ; MIYAMOTO, S. ; BAPTISTA, M.S.. The chemical route to photo induced permeabilization of phospholipid membranes. Em: 23rd International Congress of the IUBMB and 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SBBq), 2015, Foz do Iguaçu. Abstract Book, p. 48, 2015. |
14. | BACELLAR, ISABEL ; TSUBONE, TAYANA ; Pavani, Christiane ; BAPTISTA, MAURICIO. Photodynamic Efficiency: From Molecular Photochemistry to Cell Death. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Online). v. 16, p. 20523-20559, issn: 1422-0067, 2015.  |
15. | BANNITZ-FERNANDES, R. ; GODOY, K. F. ; TAIRUM-JR, C. A. ; MALAVAZI, I. ; OLIVEIRA, Marcos Antonio de ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares. BIOCHEMICAL AND STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A 1-CYS PEROXIREDOXIN FROM THE HUMAN OPPORTUNISTIC PATHOGEN ASPERGILLUS FUMIGATUS AND ITS INVOLVEMENT IN THE VIRULENCE OF THE FUNGUS. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz Iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, p. T103, 2015. |
16. | Barros, M. H. Genética dos Fungos. Em: Flavio Alterthum. (Org.). Microbiologia. 6ed.São Paulo. : Atheneu. 2015.v. 1, p. 559-566. |
17. | BELCHIOR, THIAGO ; PASCHOAL, VIVIAN A. ; MAGDALON, JULIANA ; CHIMIN, PATRICIA ; FARIAS, TALITA M ; CHAVES-FILHO, ADRIANO B. ; GORJÃO, RENATA ; ST-PIERRE, PHILIPPE ; Miyamoto, Sayuri ; KANG, JING X ; DESHAIES, YVES ; MARETTE, ANDRÉ ; FESTUCCIA, WILLIAM. Omega-3 fatty acids protect from diet-induced obesity, glucose intolerance and adipose tissue inflammation through PPARγ dependent and independent actions. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research (Print). v. 00, p. 1-11, issn: 1613-4125, 2015.  |
18. | BERNARDES, M. F. F. ; ALMEIDA, E. A.. The use of biomarkers to study the effects of the mixture of diuron and hexazinone on small and large O. niloticus. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Contamination. v. 10, p. 83-92, issn: 2317-9643, 2015.  |
19. | BERTI, Valdir Pedro ; FERNANDEZ, C.. O caráter dual do termo interdisciplinaridade na literatura, nos documentos educacionais oficiais e nos professores de química. Alexandria (UFSC). v. 8, p. 153-180, issn: 1982-5153, 2015. |
20. | BONIFACIO, J. P. P. ; CARVALHO, L. A. C. ; MEOTTI, F. C.. Effect of uric acid in the bactericidal activity of innate immune cells. Em: 12nd World Congress on Inflammation, 2015, Boston. 12nd World Congress on Inflammation, v. B141, p. 67, 2015. |
21. | BONIFACIO, J. P. P. ; CARVALHO, L. A. C. ; MEOTTI, F. C.. Effect of uric acid in the bactericidal activity of innate immune cells. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB), 2015, Foz do Iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB), v. T-97, p. 665, 2015. |
22. | Borges BE ; Appel MH ; Cofré AR ; Prado ML ; Steclan CA ; Esnard F ; ZANATA, S M ; Laurindo,FR ; NAKAO, L S. The flavo-oxidase QSOX1 supports vascular smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation: Evidence for a role in neointima growth. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE. v. 1852, p. 1334-1346, issn: 0925-4439, 2015.  |
23. | BREYER, C. A. ; CASSAGO, A. ; TAIRUM-JR, C. A. ; SILVA, M. C. ; GAETA, H. H. ; IE, R. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares ; PORTUGAL, R. V. ; OLIVEIRA, Marcos Antonio de. PRELIMINARY STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS BY TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY REVEALS STRIKING DIFFERENCES BETWEEN YEAST TSA1 AND TSA2 HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT COMPLEXES. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) and 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology SBBq,, 2015. 23rd Congress of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) and 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology SBBq, p. M050, 2015. |
24. | Busso, Cleverson ; Ferreira-Júnior, José Ribamar ; PAULELA, JANAINA A. ; Bleicher, Lucas ; DEMASI, MARILENE ; Barros, Mario H.. Coq7p relevant residues for protein activity and stability. Biochimie (Paris. Print). v. 119, p. 92-102, issn: 0300-9084, 2015.  |
25. | CARVALHO, L. A. C. ; PATRICIO, E. S. ; BONIFACIO, J. P. P. ; MEOTTI, F. C.. Evaluation of the uric acid effects in inflammatory response. Em: 12nd World Congress on Inflammation, 2015, Boston. 12nd World Congress on Inflammation, v. B135, p. 67, 2015. |
26. | CARVALHO, L. A. C. ; PATRICIO, E. S. ; BONIFACIO, J. P. P. ; SILVA, R. P. ; MEOTTI, F. C.. Evaluation of the uric acid effects in inflammatory response. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB), 2015, Foz do Iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB), v. T-59, p. 652, 2015. |
27. | CHAUSSE, BRUNO ; VIEIRA-LARA, MARCEL A. ; SANCHEZ, ANGÉLICA B. ; Medeiros, Marisa H. G. ; Kowaltowski, Alicia J.. Intermittent Fasting Results in Tissue-Specific Changes in Bioenergetics and Redox State. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0120413, issn: 1932-6203, 2015.  |
28. | Chiarelli-Neto O ; BAPTISTA, M. S.. FOTOBIOQUÍMICA DA PELE. Ciência Hoje. v. 324, p. 24-27, issn: 0101-8515, 2015. |
29. | Chiarelli-Neto, O ; S. Baptista, Maurício. PHOTOSENSITIZATION OF MELANIN AND THE EFFECT OF VISIBLE LIGHT ON SKIN AND HAIR. Cosmetiscope. v. 21, p. 1, issn: 1092-6305, 2015. |
30. | CHIGNALIA, ANDREIA Z. ; OLIVEIRA, MARIA APARECIDA ; Debbas, Victor ; DULL, RANDAL O. ; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R.M. ; TOUYZ, RHIAN M. ; CARVALHO, MARIA HELENA C. ; FORTES, ZULEICA B. ; TOSTES, RITA C.. Testosterone induces leucocyte migration by NADPH oxidase-driven ROS- and COX2-dependent mechanisms. Clinical Science. v. 129, p. 39-48, issn: 1470-8736, 2015.  |
31. | CICUTO, C. A. T. ; TORRES, B. B.. Estudo sobre as estratégias de aprendizagem utilizadas pelos alunos para resolver problemas de Bioquímica. Em: X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, 2015. |
32. | COLEPICOLO, P. NP-BioMar: Research Center for Marine Biodiversity and Biotechnology. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
33. | COLEPICOLO, P. Research Center for Marine Biodiversity and Biotechnology: NP-Bio2Mar. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
34. | COLEPICOLO, P. Como a Iniciação Científica pode redirecionar a carreira de um profissional de química. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
35. | COLEPICOLO, P. Algas como bioremediadoras ambientais. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
36. | COLEPICOLO, P. Isolation and chemical elucidation of natural products from algae with economical impact. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
37. | COLEPICOLO, P. Isolation and elucidation of natural products from algae with economical impact. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
38. | COSTA, E. S. ; SILVA, G. G. ; VERÍSSIMO FILHO, Sidney ; LIMA, M. ; ANTUNES, V. ; COLTRI, P. ; Lopes, L. R.. Protein Disulfide Isomerase redox cysteines regulate the activation of EGFR during the development of Hypertension. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
39. | CUBERO, J. ; GOES, L. F. ; MIYAMOTO, S. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Construção de uma escala de mensuração de atitudes para identificação de concepções prévias sobre radicais livres e antioxidantes. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
40. | CUBERO, J. ; MIYAMOTO, S. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Construção de uma escala de mensuração de atitudes para identificação de concepções prévias sobre radicais livres e antioxidantes. Em: 38a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2015, Águas de Lindoia.. Caderno de Resumos da 38a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química. São Paulo: SBQ, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2015. |
41. | DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M. Investigating Essential Metal-based Metallodrugs: search for cellular targets. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
42. | DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M. Kinases as targets for oxindolimine metal complexes with antitumor activity. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
43. | DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA MARIA. Metallodrugs based on oxindole derivatives. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
44. | DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA MARIA; NUNES, C. J. ; PRIETO, M. B. ; OLIVEIRA, C. C. ; B.E. Borges ; L.S. Nakao ; ´Réglier, M.. Mechanistic differences in the action of mononuclear and dinuclear copper(II) complexes against tumor cells. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
45. | da Cunha, Fernanda Marques. Mitochondria-to-nucleus communication controls mitochondrial activity and stress resistance in yeast. Redoxoma Newsletter, 03 jun. 2015. |
46. | da Cunha, Fernanda Marques. Sistema Ubiquitina-Proteassomo durante o Envelhecimento: Efeitos da Restrição Calórica. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
47. | da Cunha, Fernanda Marques. Sistema Ubiquitina-Proteassomo durante o Envelhecimento: Efeitos da Restrição Calórica. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
48. | da Cunha, Fernanda Marques. Sistema ubiquitina-proteassomo durante o envelhecimento: efeitos da restrição calórica. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
49. | da Cunha, Fernanda Marques ; TORELLI, NICOLE QUESADA ; Kowaltowski, Alicia J.. Mitochondrial Retrograde Signaling: Triggers, Pathways, and Outcomes. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (Print). v. 2015, p. 1-10, issn: 1942-0900, 2015.  |
50. | da Silva, Danilo Grünig Humberto ; RICCI, OCTÁVIO ; de Almeida, Eduardo Alves ; Bonini-Domingos, Claudia Regina. Potential utility of melatonin as an antioxidant therapy in the management of sickle cell anemia. Journal of Pineal Research. v. 58, p. 178-188, issn: 0742-3098, 2015.  |
52. | DANTAS, L. S. ; CHAVES FILHO, A. B. ; GENARO-MATTOS, T.C. ; PORTER, N. A. ; APPOLINÁRIO, P.P. ; COELHO, F.R. ; AUGUSTO, O. ; MEDEIROS, M. H. G. ; MIYAMOTO, S.. Cholesterol secosterol aldehydes are increased in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis rat model and induce covalent modification and aggregation of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase. Em: SFRBM`s 22nd Annual Meeting, 2015, Boston. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 87, p. S144, 2015. |
53. | DE CF, LÍVIA ; HB, MARIO ; C, BENEDITO. Potential Application of Modified Saccharomyces Cerevisiae for Removing Lead and Cadmium. JOURNAL OF BIOREMEDIATION & BIODEGREDATION. v. 06, p. 1-6, issn: 2155-6199, 2015.  |
54. | DE MORAES, JOSUÉ ; DARIO, BRUNO S. ; COUTO, RICARDO A. A. ; PINTO, PEDRO L. S. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.. Antischistosomal activity of oxindolimine-metal complexes. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (Print). v. 2015, p. AAC.01371-15, issn: 0066-4804, 2015.  |
56. | DE PEREIRA, CLAUDIO M. P. ; Colepicolo, P. ; Souza, PO. ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY OF EXTRACTS FROM ANTARTIC MACROALGAE. Em: Lambert, E. (Org.). ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY OF EXTRACTS FROM ANTARTIC MACROALGAE. 01ed. : Lambert Academic Publishing. 2015.v. 01, p. 1-52. |
57. | DEMASI, MARILENE ; OHARA, ERINA ; LEME, JANAINA M M ; Barros, Mario H. ; OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANO ; BICEV, RENATA N. ; NETTO, LUIS E.S.. 20S Proteasome Gating Control: Implications on the chronological life span of yeast cells. Em: Annual meeting SFRBM, 2015, Boston, MA. 20S Proteasome Gating Control: Implications on the Chronological Life Span of Yeast Cells, v. 87, p. 286-286, 2015. |
58. | Demasi, Marilene; Simões, Vanessa ; BONATTO, DIEGO. Cross-talk between redox regulation and the ubiquitin-proteasome system in mammalian cell differentiation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. G, General Subjects (Print). v. 1850, p. 1594-1606, issn: 0304-4165, 2015.  |
59. | DO AMARAL, ANTONIA TAVARES. XXXXXXXIdentification of Novel Potential Ecto-5'-Nucleotidase Inhibitors by Pharmacophore-Based Screening and molecular shape matching. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil, Aug. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015. |
60. | DO AMARAL, ANTONIA TAVARES; Picirillo Erika. Pesquisadoras identificam compostos antivirais contra a Febre Aftosa. site do CEPID Redoxoma,on line, 06 ago. 2015. |
61. | do Amaral, AT. XXXXUso de QSAR como ferramenta na predição da toxicidade de compostos, em especial para Agroquímicos e sua importância na Química Ambiental, Innovation Fair, The Dow Chemical Company, SP. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
62. | DO-AMARAL, ANTONIA T. XXXXXImproved virtual screening model to search of FMDV Lbpro inhibitors using crystal active-site interactions and curated database. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil, Aug. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015. |
63. | DOMINGOS, R. ; MEIRELES, D. A. ; da Silva Neto Jr, JF ; ALEGRIA, T. G. P. ; MURAKAMI, M. T. ; TEIXEIRA, R. D. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares. Structural and Biochemical Analysis of the Open Conformation of OhrA & OhrB from Chromobacterium Violaceum, Two Cys-Based Proxidases with Extraordinary Reactivity Towards Organic Peroxides. Em: 22 annual meeting SFRBM, 2015, Boston, MA. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 87, p. 325-325, 2015. |
64. | DOMINGOS, R. ; MEIRELES, D. A. ; da Silva Neto Jr, JF ; ALEGRIA, THIAGO GERONIMO PIRES ; TEIXEIRA, R. D. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares. THE FIRST STRUCTURAL AND BIOCHEMICAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TWO ORGANIC HYDROPEROXIDE RESISTANCE PARALOGUES: THE CHROMOBACTERIUM VIOLACEUM OHRA AND OHRB. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz de Iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, p. M011, 2015. |
65. | ELICKER, CAROLINA ; FLORES, CHAYANE P. ; SANTOS, MARCO AURÉLIO Z. DOS ; COLEPICOLO NETO, PIO ; PEREIRA, CLAUDIO M. P. DE. Study of the Use of Cyanobacterial Biomass as Feedstock for Synthesis of Biodiesel Through In Situ Esterification Reaction. REVISTA VIRTUAL DE QUÍMICA. v. 7, p. 2497-2508, issn: 1984-6835, 2015.  |
66. | ESCRIBANO, E. ; LUZ, J. S. ; OLIVEIRA, C. C. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.. Cytotoxicity of Multifunctional Heterodinuclear Oxindolimine Complexes containing Copper and Platinum. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
67. | ESTEVAM, ETHIENE ; WITEK, KAROLINA ; FAULSTICH, LISA ; NASIM, MUHAMMAD ; LATACZ, GNIEWOMIR ; DOMÍNGUEZ-ÁLVAREZ, ENRIQUE ; KIE'-KONONOWICZ, KATARZYNA ; Demasi, Marilene ; HANDZLIK, JADWIGA ; JACOB, CLAUS. Aspects of a Distinct Cytotoxicity of Selenium Salts and Organic Selenides in Living Cells with Possible Implications for Drug Design. Molecules (Basel. Online). v. 20, p. 13894-13912, issn: 1420-3049, 2015.  |
68. | FELÍCIO, ANDRÉIA ARANTES ; PARENTE, T. E. M. ; MASCHIO, L. R. ; Nogueira, Lílian ; VENANCIO, L. P. R. ; REBELO, M. F. ; SCHLENK, D. ; ALMEIDA, E. A.. Biochemical responses, morphometric changes, genotoxic effects and CYP1A expression in the armored catfish Pterygoplichthys anisitsi after 15 days of exposure to mineral diesel and biodiesel. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. v. 115, p. 26-32, issn: 0147-6513, 2015.  |
69. | FERNANDEZ, C. Education Page. Redoxoma Newsletter, 31 out. 2015. |
70. | FERNANDEZ, C. Education Page. Redoxoma Newsletter, Redoxoma Newsletter, p. 1-1, 05 fev. 2015. |
71. | FERNANDEZ, C. A profissionalização dos professores de química e o papel da pesquisa. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
72. | FERNANDEZ, C. Os professores de Química e o Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo: perspectivas para a formação. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
73. | FERNANDEZ, C. Cepid - Redoxome Education and Knowledge Diffusion Plan. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
74. | FERNANDEZ, C. A profissionalização dos professores de química e o papel da pesquisa. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
75. | FERNANDEZ, C. Cepid - Redoxome Education and Knowledge Diffusion Plan. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
76. | FERNANDEZ, C. Os professores de Química e o Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo: perspectivas para a formação. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
77. | FERNANDEZ, C.; AUGUSTO, O. ; LAURINDO, F. ; MEDEIROS, M. H. G. ; MASCIO, P. ; NETTO, L. E. S. ; KOWALTOWSKI, Alicia Juliana. Os radicais livres na mira da ciência. Jornal da USP, p. 7-7, 23 fev. 2015. |
78. | FERNANDEZ, CARMEN. REVISITANDO A BASE DE CONHECIMENTOS E O CONHECIMENTO PEDAGÓGICO DO CONTEÚDO (PCK) DE PROFESSORES DE CIÊNCIAS. Ensaio: Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (Online). v. 17, p. 500-528, issn: 1983-2117, 2015.  |
79. | FERREIRA, LUÍS M. C. ; GRASSESCHI, DANIEL ; SANTOS, MAURO S. F. ; MARTINS, PAULO R. ; GUTZ, IVANO G. R. ; FERREIRA, ANA MARIA C. ; ARAKI, KOITI ; TOMA, HENRIQUE E. ; ANGNES, LÚCIO. Unveiling the Structure of Polytetraruthenated Nickel Porphyrin by Raman Spectroelectrochemistry. Langmuir. v. 31, p. 4351-4360, issn: 0743-7463, 2015.  |
80. | FORNI, MARIA FERNANDA ; Chausse, Bruno ; PELOGGIA, JULIA ; Kowaltowski, Alicia J.. Bioenergetic Profiling in the Skin. Experimental Dermatology. v. 2, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 0906-6705, 2015.  |
81. | FORNI, MARIA FERNANDA ; PELOGGIA, JULIA ; TRUDEAU, KYLE ; SHIRIHAI, ORIAN ; Kowaltowski, Alicia J.. Murine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Commitment to Differentiation is Regulated by Mitochondrial Dynamics. Stem Cells (Dayton, Ohio). v. 34, p. 743-n/a, issn: 1066-5099, 2015.  |
82. | FRANCO, L. V. R. ; GAMEZ, K. O. ; Ferreira-Junior, Jose Ribamar ; Barros, Mario ; Gombert, Andreas K.. Can less energy mean more energy? Increased sugar to ethanol onversion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae via overexpression of ATPases. Em: 27th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology (ICYGMB), 2015, Levico Terme - Italia. Yeast. HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL, v. 32, p. S119-S120, 2015. |
83. | FREIRE, L. I. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. O professor universitário novato: tensões, dilemas e aprendizados no início da carreira docente. Ciência e Educação (UNESP. Impresso). v. 21, p. 255-272, issn: 1516-7313, 2015. |
84. | FREIRE, L. I. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. A base de conhecimentos dos professores, a reflexão e o desenvolvimento profissional: um estudo de caso a partir da escrita de diários de aula por estagiários de professores de Química. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos RBEP-INEP. v. 96, p. 359-379, issn: 2176-6681, 2015. |
85. | FREIRE, L. I. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Elementos dos conteúdos programáticos de disciplinas curriculares incorporados à prática de ensino de licenciandos em química. Em: X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2015. |
86. | FREIRE, L. I. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Habitus, Capital e poder no campo da docência universitária entre dois coletivos de formadores de professores de um curso de licenciatura em química. Em: XII Congresso Nacional de Educação, v. 1, p. 36998-37013, 2015. |
87. | FREIRE, L. I. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Elementos dos conteúdos programáticos de disciplinas curriculares incorporados à prática de ensino de licenciandos em química. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
88. | GALVÃO, JULIANA G. ; TRINDADE, GABRIELA G. G. ; SANTOS, ADRIANA J. ; SANTOS, RAQUEL L. ; CHAVES FILHO, ADRIANO B. ; LIRA, ANA AMÉLIA M. ; Miyamoto, Sayuri ; NUNES, ROGÉRIA S.. Effect of Ouratea sp. butter in the crystallinity of solid lipids used in nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs). Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1388-6150, 2015.  |
89. | GENARO-MATTOS, T.C. ; LIU, W. ; OCON, A.L. ; MIYAMOTO, S. ; MIRNICS, K. ; KORADE, Z. ; PORTER, N. A.. Galoctose improves lipid metabolism and redox status in cultured SLOS fibroblasts and Dhcr7-deficient Neuro2a cells. Em: SFRBM`s 22nd Annual Meeting, 2015, Boston. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 87, p. S89, 2015. |
90. | Genaro-Mattos, Thiago C. ; QUEIROZ, RAPHAEL F. ; CUNHA, DANIELA ; APPOLINARIO, PATRICIA P. ; Di Mascio, Paolo ; NANTES, ISELI L. ; Augusto, Ohara ; Miyamoto, Sayuri. Cytochrome c Reacts with Cholesterol Hydroperoxides To Produce Lipid- and Protein-Derived Radicals. Biochemistry (Easton). v. 54, p. 150427111921004-2850, issn: 0006-2960, 2015.  |
91. | GIMENEZ, M. ; SCHICKLING, B. ; Lopes, L. R. ; MILLER, F.. Nox1 in cardiovascular diseases: regulation and pathophysiology. Clinical Science (1979). v. 130, p. 151-165, issn: 0143-5221, 2015.  |
92. | GIMENEZ, M. ; SCHICKLING, B. ; MILLER, F. ; Lopes, L. R.. Redox dependent interaction between protein disulfide isomerase and NADPH oxidase regulatory subunit p47phox increases Nox1 complex assembly and superoxide generation contributing to oxidative stress and vascualr disease. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
93. | GIMENEZ, M. ; SCHICKLING, B. ; WITTING, I. ; MILLER, F. ; Lopes, L. R.. Redox-dependent interaction between protein disulfide isomerase and p47phox activates Nox1 NADPH oxidase in vascualr disease. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
94. | GIMENEZ, M. ; YOUNG, Brandom ; WITTING, I. ; MILLER, F. ; LOPES, LUCIA R.. Redox-Dependent Interaction Between Protein Disulfide Isomerase and P47phox activates Nox1 NADPH Oxidase in Vascular Disease. Em: Society of Redox Biology and Medicine Meeting, 2015, Boston. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 10, p. 141, 2015. |
95. | GIROTTO JR., G. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Análise do conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo a partir da perspectiva do educando em diferentes contextos. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
96. | Glezer, Isaias. Funções Sensoriais da Molécula FAT/CD36: Expressão Restrita a uma Subpopulação de Neurônios Olfatórios. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
97. | Glezer, Isaias. O Epitélio Olfatório como Paradigma para o Estudo de Mecanismos Neurorregenerativos. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
98. | Glezer, Isaias. O Epitélio Olfatório como Paradigma para o Estudo de Mecanismos Regenerativos. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
99. | Glezer, Isaias; Rivest, Serge ; Xavier, André Machado. CD36, CD44, and CD83 Expression and Putative Functions in Neural Tissues. Em: Jan Pruszak. (Org.). Neural Surface Antigens. 1ed. : Elsevier. 2015.p. 27-40. |
100. | GOBBO, M. G. ; COSTA1, C. F. P. ; SILVA, D. G. H. ; ALMEIDA, E. A. ; GOES, R. M.. Effect of Melatonin Intake on Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Male Reproductive Organs of Rats under Experimental Diabetes. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (Print). v. 2015, p. 1-11, issn: 1942-0900, 2015.  |
101. | GOES, L. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Using CoRes for capturing pedagogical content knowledge of redox reactions. Em: J. Lavonen, K. Juuti, J. Lampiselkä, A. Uitto & K. Hahl. (Org.). Engaging learners for a sustainable future. 1ed.Helsinki, Finland. : University of Helsinki. 2015.v. 13, p. 2163-2173. |
102. | GOES, L. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Using CoRes for capturing pedagogical content knowledge of redox reactions. Em: ESERA - European Science Education Research Association Conference, 2015, Helsinki. ESERA 2015 Conference Book. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, v. 1, p. 72-72, 2015. |
103. | GOES, L. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Reações Redox: uma proposta para desenvolver o Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo. Em: X Encontro da Pós-Graduação Interunidades em Ensino de Ciências, 2015, São Paulo. Encontro da Pós-Graduação Interunidades em Ensino de Ciências: caderno de programa e resumos. São Paulo: Instituto de Física, v. 1, p. 77-77, 2015. |
104. | GOES, L. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Using CoRes for Capturing Pedagogical Content Knowledge of redox reactions. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
105. | GOES, L. F. ; NOGUEIRA, KEYSY SOLANGE COSTA ; FERNANDEZ, C.. O ensino de reações redox nos principais eventos na área de educação no Brasil. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
106. | GOMES, F. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares. OCT1, A MITOCHONDRIAL MATRIX PROTEASE, PROCESSES PRX1, A 1-CYS PEROXIREDOXIN FROM Saccharomyces cerevisiae, INCREASING ITS STABILITY. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz Iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, p. T046, 2015. |
107. | GOMES, F. ; TSUCHIDA, E. T. ; NETTO, L. E. S.. Mitochondrial import of peroxiredoxin Prx1p involves two cleavages by MPP and Oct1p. Em: 27th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2015, Levico Terme. 27th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, v. 32, p. 191-191, 2015. |
108. | GOMES, F. ; TSUCHIDA, E. T. ; BARROS, Mario Henrique de ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares. Involvement of Mitochondrial 1-cys Peroxiredoxin Prx1 in the Response of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae to Oxidative Stress. Em: 22nd annual meeting SFRBM, 2015, Boston, MA. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 87, p. 246-246, 2015. |
109. | GOMES, KATIA M.S. ; BECHARA, LUIZ R.G. ; LIMA, VANESSA M. ; RIBEIRO, MÁRCIO A.C. ; CAMPOS, JULIANE C. ; DOURADO, PAULO M. ; Kowaltowski, Alicia J. ; MOCHLY-ROSEN, DARIA ; FERREIRA, JULIO C.B.. Aldehydic load and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 profile during the progression of post-myocardial infarction cardiomyopathy: Benefits of Alda-1. International Journal of Cardiology (Print). v. 179, p. 129-138, issn: 0167-5273, 2015.  |
110. | GUERCIO, A. M. F. ; MEIRELES, D. A. ; Netto, Luis E.S.. Characterization of the Ohr /OhrR system from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its possible involvement in host-pathogen interactions. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz do Iguaçu,. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, p. G055, 2015. |
111. | IE, R. ; SANTOS, M. C. ; TAIRUM-JR, C. A. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares ; OLIVEIRA, Marcos Antonio de. SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE TSA1: THE ROLES OF THE C-TERMINAL α- HELIX ON THE OVEROXIDATION SUSCETIBILITY AND QUATERNARY STRUCTURE STABILITY. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz Iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, p. T089, 2015. |
112. | KAKIMOTO, PÂMELA A.H.B. ; TAMAKI, FÁBIO K. ; Cardoso, Ariel R. ; MARANA, SANDRO R. ; Kowaltowski, Alicia J.. H2O2 release from the very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. Redox Biology. v. 4, p. 375-380, issn: 2213-2317, 2015.  |
113. | Kowaltowski, A.J. O Destino das Células. Pesquisa FAPESP, p. 56-57, 01 dez. 2015. |
114. | Kowaltowski, Alicia J. O que é Metabolismo? Como nossos corpos transformam o que comemos no que somos. 1 ed. Oficina de Textos, 2015. . |
115. | KURADOMI, RAFAEL Y. ; DE SOUZA, THIAGO G. ; FORESTI, FAUSTO ; SCHULZ, RÜDIGER W. ; BOGERD, JAN ; MOREIRA, RENATA G. ; FURLAN, LUIZ R. ; Almeida, Eduardo A. ; ALMEIDA, E. A. ; MASCHIO, LUCILENE R. ; BATLOUNI, SERGIO R.. Effects of re-stripping on the seminal characteristics of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) during the breeding season. General and Comparative Endocrinology (Print). v. 225, p. 162-173, issn: 0016-6480, 2015.  |
116. | Laurindo, F.R. Influência do consumo de oxigênio no funcionamento cerebral durante tarefa de memória operacional em consumidores de vinho tinto e abstêmicos: estudo por ressonância magnética funcional. Em: 70º Congresso Brasileiro de Cardiologia, 2015, Curitiba, PR. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, v. 105, p. 48-48, 2015. |
117. | Laurindo, FR. Fosfolipases A2 Ofídicas Induzem a Formação de Corpúsculos Lipídicos em Células de Músculo Liso Vascular pela Ativação de Diferentes Vias Relacionadas ao Metabolismo Lipídico. Este Efeito Percute na Síntese de Eicosanoides. Em: XXX Reunião Anual da Federação de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental - FESBE, 2015, São Paulo. XXX Reunião Anual - FESBE -. São Paulo, v. 30, p. 33-33, 2015. |
118. | Laurindo, Francisco R. M. Evidence for a novel role of protein disulfide isomerase as mediator of RhoGTPase regulation in vascular smooth muscle cells. In: 44ª Reunião Anual da SBBq, 2015, Foz do Iguaçu. 44 th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemestry and Molecular Biology. v. 1, p. 1, 2015. |
119. | LEAL, S. H. B. S. ; NOVAIS, R.M. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo de ?Estrutura da Matéria? de uma Professora de Química Experiente em aulas de Química Geral. Ciência & Educação. v. 21, p. 725-742, issn: 1980-850X, 2015. |
120. | LEMOS CALDAS, FRANCISCO RODRIGO ; ROCHA LEITE, IAGO MATEUS ; TAVAREZ FILGUEIRAS, ANA BEATRIZ ; DE FIGUEIREDO JÚNIOR, ISAIAS LIMA ; GOMES MARQUES DE SOUSA, TEREZA AMÁLIA ; MARTINS, PAMELA REIS ; Kowaltowski, Alicia Juliana ; FERNANDES FACUNDO, HEBERTY DI TARSO. Mitochondrial ATP-sensitive Potassium Channel Opening Inhibits Isoproterenol-induced Cardiac Hypertrophy by Preventing Oxidative Damage. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. v. 65, p. 393-397, issn: 0160-2446, 2015.  |
121. | LIMA, FLAVIA LUNA ; JOAZEIRO, PAULO PINTO ; LANCELLOTTI, MARCELO ; DE HOLLANDA, LUCIANA MARIA ; DE ARAÚJO LIMA, BRUNA ; Linares, Edlaine ; Augusto, Ohara ; BROCCHI, MARCELO ; Giorgio, Selma. Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on Pseudomonas aeruginosa susceptibility to imipenem and macrophages. Future Microbiology (Print). v. 10, p. 179-189, issn: 1746-0913, 2015.  |
122. | Lopes, L. R. A novel role for Protein Disulfide Isomerase in redox signaling and cardiovascular disease. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
123. | Lopes, L. R. Pathophysiological implications of redox signaling. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
124. | Lopes, L. R. NADPH oxidase um novo alvo no tratamento de doenças cardiovascualres. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
125. | LUÉVANO-MARTÍNEZ, LUIS ALBERTO ; FORNI, MARIA FERNANDA ; DOS SANTOS, VALQUIRIA TIAGO ; Souza-Pinto, Nadja C. ; Kowaltowski, Alicia J.. Cardiolipin is a key determinant for mtDNA stability and segregation during mitochondrial stress. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics. v. 1847, p. 587-598, issn: 0005-2728, 2015.  |
126. | LUÉVANO-MARTÍNEZ, LUIS ALBERTO ; Kowaltowski, Alicia J.. Phosphatidylglycerol-derived phospholipids have a universal, domain-crossing role in stress responses. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (Print). v. 585, p. 90-97, issn: 0003-9861, 2015.  |
127. | MACHADO, LEVI P. ; CARVALHO, LUCIANA R. ; YOUNG, MARIA CLÁUDIA M. ; CARDOSO-LOPES, ELAINE M. ; CENTENO, DANILO C. ; ZAMBOTTI-VILLELA, LEONARDO ; COLEPICOLO, Pio ; Yokoya, Nair S.. Evaluation of acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of Brazilian red macroalgae organic extracts. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Impresso). v. 25, p. 657-662, issn: 0102-695X, 2015.  |
128. | MARTINEZ, PAULA F. ; BONOMO, CAMILA ; GUIZONI, DANIELE M. ; JUNIOR, SILVIO A. OLIVEIRA ; DAMATTO, RICARDO L. ; CEZAR, MARCELO D.M. ; LIMA, ALINE R.R. ; PAGAN, LUANA U. ; SEIVA, FABIO R. ; Fernandes, Denise C. ; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R.M. ; NOVELLI, ETHEL L.B. ; MATSUBARA, LUIZ S. ; ZORNOFF, LEONARDO A.M. ; OKOSHI, KATASHI ; OKOSHI, MARINA P.. Influence of N- Acetylcysteine on Oxidative Stress in Slow-Twitch Soleus Muscle of Heart Failure Rats. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (Online). v. 35, p. 148-159, issn: 1421-9778, 2015.  |
129. | MARTINEZ, PAULA F. ; BONOMO, CAMILA ; GUIZONI, DANIELE M. ; JUNIOR, SILVIO A. OLIVEIRA ; DAMATTO, RICARDO L. ; CEZAR, MARCELO D.M. ; LIMA, ALINE R.R. ; PAGAN, LUANA U. ; SEIVA, FABIO R. ; Fernandes, Denise C. ; Laurindo, Francisco R.M. ; NOVELLI, ETHEL L.B. ; Matsubara, Luiz S. ; Zornoff, Leonardo A.M. ; OKOSHI, KATASHI ; OKOSHI, MARINA P.. Influence of N- Acetylcysteine on Oxidative Stress in Slow-Twitch Soleus Muscle of Heart Failure Rats. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (Online). v. 35, p. 148-159, issn: 1421-9778, 2015.  |
130. | MARTINS, P.L.G. ; MARQUES, L. G. ; COLEPICOLO, P.. Antioxidant enzymes are induced by phenol in the marine microalga Lingulodinium polyedrum. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. v. 116, p. 84-89, issn: 0147-6513, 2015.  |
131. | MARTINS, WALESKA K. ; COSTA, ÉRICO T. ; CRUZ, MÁRIO C. ; STOLF, BEATRIZ S. ; MIOTTO, RONEI ; CORDEIRO, RODRIGO M. ; Baptista, Maurício S.. Parallel damage in mitochondrial and lysosomal compartments promotes efficient cell death with autophagy: The case of the pentacyclic triterpenoids. Scientific Reports. v. 5, p. 12425-12442, issn: 2045-2322, 2015.  |
132. | MARZZOCO, Anita ; Torres, Bayardo B.. Bioquímica Básica. 4 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2015. v. 1, p. 392. |
133. | MATIZ, A. ; GOMES, F. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares ; GASPAR, M. ; CHAUMONT, F. ; Mercier, H. Urea transport through aquaporins of Vriesea gigantea (BROMELIACEAE). Em: Second world congress on water channel proteins (Aquaporins and relatives) celebrating the 30th anniversary of the discovery of the first water protein (later called Aquaporin 1),, 2015, Cluj-Napoca. Second world congress on water channel proteins (Aquaporins and relatives) celebrating the 30th anniversary of the discovery of the first water protein (later called Aquaporin 1), 2015. |
134. | MEIRELES, D. A. ; DOMINGOS, R. ; GAIARSA, J. W. ; ALEGRIA, THIAGO GERONIMO PIRES ; SOUZA, R. F. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares. Use of residue conservation analysis to identify functional and structural conserved residues of Ohr/OsmC family. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Fozs Iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, p. M068, 2015. |
135. | MEIRELES, D. A. ; DOMINGOS, R. ; GAIARSA, J. W. ; Souza, R. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares. Functional and Biochemical Characterization of the First Ohr Peroxidase Identified in Eukaryotes. Em: 22nd annual meeting SFRBM, 2015, Boston, MA. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 87, p. 335-335, 2015. |
136. | MEOTTI, F. C. Ensino versus pesquisa. O Alquimista, p. 3-3, 11 jun. 2015. |
137. | MEOTTI, F. C. Processos Redox em Biomedicina. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
138. | MERTINS, OMAR ; MATHEWS, PATRICK D. ; GOMIDE, ANDREZA B. ; Baptista, Mauricio S. ; Itri, Rosangela. Effective protection of biological membranes against photo oxidative damage: Polymeric antioxidant forming a protecting shield over the membrane. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes. v. 1848, p. 2180-2187, issn: 0005-2736, 2015.  |
139. | MESKO, Márcia Foster ; PICOLOTO, ROCHELE S. ; Ferreira, Lizângela R. ; COSTA, VANIZE C. ; Pereira, Claudio M. P. ; COLEPICOLO, P. ; Muller, Edson I. ; Flores, Erico M. M.. Ultraviolet radiation combined with microwave-assisted wet digestion of Antarctic seaweeds for further determination of toxic elements by ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (Print). v. 30, p. 260-266, issn: 0267-9477, 2015.  |
140. | MIGUEL, R. B. ; COUTO, R. A. A. ; NUNES, C. J. ; PAULA, Q. A. ; OLIVEIRA, C. C. ; Petrilli, H.M. ; DESIDERI, A. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.. Pro-apoptotic oxindolimine metal complexes as antitumor and antiparasite agents: analyzing possible protein targets. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
141. | MIGUEL, RODRIGO BERNARDI ; PETERSEN, PHILIPPE ALEXANDRE DIVINA ; GONZALES-ZUBIATE, FERNANDO A. ; Oliveira, Carla Columbano ; KUMAR, NARESH ; DO NASCIMENTO, RAFAEL RODRIGUES ; Petrilli, Helena Maria ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA MARIA. Inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase CDK1 by oxindolimine ligands and corresponding copper and zinc complexes. JBIC. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (Print). v. 20, p. 1205-1217, issn: 0949-8257, 2015.  |
142. | MIYAMOTO, S. Lipid hydroperoxides and singlet molecular oxygen: tracing their connection and implications in biological system (International Symposium on Dietary Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress in Health, DAOSH 2015). 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
143. | MIYAMOTO, S. Chemical and biological aspects of oxidized lipids: tracing the fate of lipid hydroperoxides by mass spectrometry (World Science Leaders? Seminar, Tsukuba, Japan). 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
144. | MIYAMOTO, S. Lipídeos oxidados e agregação de proteínas (Seminários do Departamento de Biofísica, Bioquímica e Farmacologia, UNIFESP). 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
145. | MONTEIRO, R. F. G. ; Ferreira-Júnior, José Ribamar ; BARRIENTOS, A. ; Barros, Mario. Mrpl34p role in mitochondrial ribosome biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Em: 27th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology (ICYGMB), 2015, Levico Terme - Italia. Yeast. HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL, v. 32, p. S125, 2015. |
146. | MONTEIRO, R.F.G. ; MODA, B. S. ; APPOLINÁRIO, P.P. ; MIYAMOTO, S. ; BARROS, M.H.. Study of proteins that affect the mitochondrial biogenesis in saccharomyces cerevisiae. Em: 23rd International Congress of the IUBMB and 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SBBq), 2015, Foz do Iguaçu. Abstract Book, p. 287, 2015. |
147. | MONTENEGRO, V. L. S. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Processo Reflexivo e desenvolvimento do Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo numa intervenção formativa com professores de Química. Ensaio: Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (Online). v. 17, p. 251-275, issn: 1983-2117, 2015. |
148. | MORAIS, M. A. ; GIUSEPPE, P. O. ; SOUZA, T. A. ; Alegria, T. G. P. ; OLIVEIRA, M. A. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares ; MURAKAMI, M. T.. How pH Modulates the Dimer-Decamer Interconversion of 2-Cys peroxiredoxins from the Prx1 subfamily. The Journal of Biological Chemistry (Print). v. 290, p. 8582-8590, issn: 0021-9258, 2015.  |
149. | MOREIRA, W. A. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Development of pedagogical content knowledge for scientific argumentation of an early career chemistry teacher. Em: Amanda Berry & Digna Couso. (Org.). Engaging learners for a sustainable future,. 1ed.Helsinki, Finland. : University of Helsinki. 2015.v. 14, p. 2501-2506. |
150. | MOREIRA, W. A. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Development of pedagogical content knowledge for scientific argumentation of an early career chemistry teacher. Em: ESERA - European Science Education Research Association Conference, 2015, Helsinki. ESERA 2015 Conference Book. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, v. 1, p. 51-51, 2015. |
151. | MOREIRA, W. A. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Scientific Argumentationa of an early career chemistry teacher. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
152. | NOGUEIRA, K. S. C. ; Cintra, E.P. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Knowledge base enlargement of a pre-service chemistry teacher in the context of a Brazilian initial training program. Em: Maria Evagorou & Marisa Michelini. (Org.). Engaging learners for a sustainable future. 1ed.Helsinki, Finland. : University of Helsinki. 2015.v. 13, p. 2126-2134. |
153. | NOGUEIRA, K. S. C. ; Cintra, E.P. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Knowledge base enlargement of a pre-service chemistry teacher in the context of a Brazilian initial training program. Em: ESERA - European Science Education Research Association Conference, 2015, Helsinki. ESERA 2015 Conference Book. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, v. 1, p. 72-72, 2015. |
154. | NOGUEIRA, K. S. C. ; Cintra, E.P. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. A transfomação do conteúdo reações redox em sequências didáticas produzidas por alunos do PIBID: do currículo à sala de aula. Em: X Encontro da Pós-Graduação Interunidades em Ensino de Ciências, 2015, São Paulo. Encontro da Pós-Graduação Interunidades em Ensino de Ciências: Caderno de programa e resumos. São Paulo: Instituto de Física da USP, v. 1, p. 79-79, 2015. |
155. | NOGUEIRA, KEYSY SOLANGE COSTA ; Cintra, E.P. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Expansion of the knowledge baseof a pre-service teacher in the context of a Brazilian institutional program. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
156. | NOGUEIRA, L. ; GARCIA, D. ; TREVISAN, R. ; SANCHES, A. L. M. ; ACOSTA, D. S. ; DAFRÉ, A. L. ; OLIVEIRA, T. Y. K. ; ALMEIDA, E. A.. Biochemical responses in mussels Perna perna exposed to diesel B5. CHEMOSPHERE. v. 134, p. 210-216, issn: 0045-6535, 2015.  |
157. | NUNES, CLÉIA JUSTINO ; BORGES, BEATRIZ ESSENFELDER ; NAKAO, LIA SUMIE ; PEYROUX, EUGÉNIE ; HARDRÉ, RENAUD ; FAURE, BRUNO ; RÉGLIER, MARIUS ; GIORGI, MICHEL ; PRIETO, MARCELA BACH ; Oliveira, Carla Columbano ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.. Reactivity of dinuclear copper(II) complexes towards melanoma cells: Correlation with its stability, tyrosinase mimicking and nuclease activity. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. v. 149, p. 49-58, issn: 0162-0134, 2015.  |
158. | NUÑEZ, SILVIA C. ; YOSHIMURA, TANIA M. ; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S. ; JUNQUEIRA, HELENA C. ; MACIEL, CLEITON ; COUTINHO-NETO, MAURÍCIO D. ; Baptista, Maurício S.. Urea enhances the photodynamic efficiency of methylene blue. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology. v. 150, p. 31-37, issn: 1011-1344, 2015.  |
159. | OLIVEIRA, MARILENE SILVA ; GHOGARE, ASHWINI A. ; ABRAMOVA, INNA ; GREER, EDYTA M. ; PRADO, Fernanda Manso ; Di Mascio, Paolo ; GREER, ALEXANDER. Mechanism of Photochemical O-Atom Exchange in Nitrosamines with Molecular Oxygen. Journal of Organic Chemistry. v. 80, p. 6119-6127, issn: 0022-3263, 2015.  |
160. | OLIVEIRA, R. S. A. P. ; TORRES, B. B.. Conceitos alternativos sobre radicais livres em pós-graduandos e professores de ensino médio de escolas públicas. Em: X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, 2015. |
161. | ORNELLAS, J. F. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Corpo de conhecimentos das disciplinas integradoras das universidades brasileiras. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
162. | PAGANO, PATRICK J. ; GRIENDLING, KATHY K. ; MILLER, FRANCIS J. ; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R.M. ; TOUYZ, RHIAN M.. Chemiluminescence and the Nox1-Nox2-Nox4 Triple Knockout. Antioxidants & Redox Signalling. v. 23, p. 1246-1247, issn: 1523-0864, 2015.  |
163. | PALMA, F. R. ; TSUCHIDA, E. T. ; GOMES, F. ; ALEGRIA, T. G. P. ; BECCARI, M. S. ; MITNE-NETO, M. ; ZATZ, M. ; Netto, L. E. S.. Testing Knockouts Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Expressing ALS-linked VAPBP56S for Viability and Proteostasis. Em: 27th International Congress on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2015, Levico Terme. 27th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology (ICYGMB), v. 32, p. 186, 2015. |
164. | PATRÍCIO, ELIZIANE S. ; PRADO, FERNANDA M. ; DA SILVA, RAILMARA P. ; CARVALHO, LARISSA A. C. ; PRATES, MARCUS V. C. ; DADAMOS, TONY ; BERTOTTI, MAURO ; DI MASCIO, PAOLO ; Kettle, Anthony J. ; Meotti, Flavia C.. Chemical Characterization of Urate Hydroperoxide, A Pro-oxidant Intermediate Generated by Urate Oxidation in Inflammatory and Photoinduced Processes. CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY. v. 28, p. 150805160151008-1556, issn: 0893-228X, 2015.  |
165. | PATRÍCIO, ELIZIANE S. ; PRATES, MARCUS V. C. ; PRADO, FERNANDA M. ; DADAMOS, TONY ; CARVALHO, LARISSA A. C. ; BERTOTTI, MAURO ; DI MASCIO, PAOLO ; KETTLE, T. ; MEOTTI, F. C.. Urate hydroperoxide as a pro-oxidant intermediate generated by urate oxidation in inflammatory and photo-induced processes. Em: 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, 2015, Boston. 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, 2015. |
166. | PAVIANI, VERÔNICA ; Queiroz, Raphael F. ; MARQUES, EMERSON F. ; Di Mascio, Paolo ; Augusto, Ohara. Production of lysozyme and lysozyme-superoxide dismutase dimers bound by a ditryptophan cross-link in carbonate radical-treated lysozyme. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. v. 89, p. 72-82, issn: 0891-5849, 2015.  |
167. | PEREIRA, MARCELO G. ; SILVA, MEIRICRIS T. ; da Cunha, Fernanda M. ; MORISCOT, ANSELMO S. ; AOKI, MARCELO S. ; MIYABARA, ELEN H.. Leucine supplementation improves regeneration of skeletal muscles from old rats. Experimental Gerontology. v. 72, p. 269-277, issn: 0531-5565, 2015.  |
168. | PEREIRA, THIAGO SCREMIN BOSCOLO ; BOSCOLO, CAMILA NOMURA PEREIRA ; SILVA, DANILO GRÜNIG HUMBERTO DA ; BATLOUNI, SERGIO RICARDO ; SCHLENK, DANIEL ; Almeida, Eduardo Alves de. Anti-androgenic activities of diuron and its metabolites in male Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquatic Toxicology. p. 10-15, issn: 0166-445X, 2015.  |
169. | PERES, PATRÍCIA S. ; VALERIO, ANDRESSA ; CADENA, SILVIA M.S.C. ; WINNISCHOFER, SHEILA M.B. ; SCALFO, A. C. ; DI MASCIO, P. ; MARTINEZ, GLAUCIA R.. Glutathione modifies the oxidation products of 2--deoxyguanosine by singlet molecular oxygen. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (Print). v. 586, p. 33-44, issn: 0003-9861, 2015.  |
170. | PETERSEN, P. A. D. ; Nascimento, R.R. ; Petrilli, Helena Maria ; MIGUEL, R. B. ; OLIVEIRA, C. C. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.. Studies of oxindolimine ligand isapn and corresponding copper complex, [Cu(isapn)]2+ as possible kinase CDK1/cyclinB inhibitors. Em: II Workshop on Biomolecular Theory-Experimental Interplay: molecular recognition and self-assembly, 2015, Maresias. Abstracts - II Workshop on Biomolecular Theory-Experimental Interplay: molecular recognition and self-assembly, v. 1, p. O03-O03, 2015. |
171. | PINHEIRO, LUCAS C. ; AMARAL, JEFFERSON H. ; FERREIRA, GRAZIELE C. ; PORTELLA, RAFAEL L. ; CERON, CARLA S. ; MONTENEGRO, MARCELO F. ; Toledo, Jose Carlos ; TANUS-SANTOS, JOSE E.. Gastric S-nitrosothiols formation drives the antihypertensive effects of oral sodium nitrite and nitrate in a rat model of renovascular hypertension. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. v. 87, p. 252-262, issn: 0891-5849, 2015.  |
172. | Researcher ID: C-4423-2012. Estratégias de Virtual Screening Aplicadas à Descoberta de Compostos Bioativos. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
173. | Researcher ID: C-4423-2012. Uso de QSAR como ferramenta na predição da toxicidade de compostos, em especial para Agroquímicos e sua importância na Química Ambiental. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
174. | Researcher ID: C-4423-2012. Virtual Screening Search for Cruzain Inhibitors : Importance of Experimental Validation. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
175. | Researcher ID: C-4423-2012.; Lucas Gasparello Vivviani ; REZENDE, L. de ; Picirillo Erika ; PERON, L. M.. Search of novel potential inhibitors of ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) by virtual screening. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
176. | Researcher ID: C-4423-2012.; SOTRIFFER, C. A. ; Picirillo Erika ; MERGET, B.. How to assess Dengue virus NS2B/NS3pro binding-site flexibility in the search for novel inhibitors ?. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
178. | RODRIGUES, A. C. F. ; MONERO, T. O. ; FRIGHETTO, R. T. S. ; ALMEIDA, E. A.. E2 potentializes benzo(a)pyrene-induced hepatic cytochrome P450 enzyme activities in Nile tilapia at high concentrations. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International. v. 22, p. 17367-17374, issn: 0944-1344, 2015.  |
179. | ROMANATTO, T. ; BUIS, A. ; PEREZ, K. R. ; CUNHA, F. M. ; KOWALTOWSKI, A.J. ; AGUILANIU, H.. Metabolic effects of dietary restriction in C. elegans. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2015. 44th Annual Meeting of SBBq, 2015, Foz do Iguaçu. Abstract book, 2015. |
180. | SALOMAO, GUSTAVO HENRIQUE ARAUJO ; FERNANDES, ADJACI UCHOA ; Baptista, Mauricio S. ; TARDIVO, JOÃO PAULO ; CHRISTOFOLINI, DENISE MARIA ; CORREA, JOÃO ANTONIO. Chlorophyllin-M: A new substance for photodynamic therapy in the retina and choroid. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine (Print). v. 47, p. 421-425, issn: 0196-8092, 2015.  |
181. | SANTOS, SANDRA CRUZ DOS ; MOREIRA, LEONARDO MARMO ; NOVO, DIOGO LA ROSA ; SANTIN, LUIZA ROSIMERI ROMANO ; BIANCHINI, DANIELA ; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES ; Romani, Ana Paula ; FERNANDES, ADJACI UCHOA ; Baptista, Maurício S. ; DE OLIVEIRA, HUEDER PAULO MOISÉS. Photophysical properties of porphyrin derivatives: Influence of the alkyl chains in homogeneous and micro-heterogeneous systems. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. v. 19, p. 1-14, issn: 1088-4246, 2015.  |
182. | SCARAMBONI, C. ; CAMPOS, M. L. A. M. ; Toledo Jr., J. C. ; GIUBBINA, F. F.. A new viewpoint of a fluorescente method applied to investigate hydrogen peroxide in rainwater from an agri-industrial region of São Paulo State ? Brazil. Acid Rain 2015. Em: Acid Rain 2015, 2015, Rochester. Acid Rain, 2015. |
183. | SEVERINO, D. ; POJAR, M. ; SANTOS, A. ; RODRIGUES, D. ; SILVA, A. ; Baptista, Maurício S.. Hair Treatment with Tamarindus sp. Fruit Extract. Em: SOFW. (Org.). GLOBAL INGREDIENTS & FORMULATIONS GUIDE 2015 The Cosmetic Cookbook for Sustainable and Multifunctional Cosmetics. 15ed.LAHNSTEIN. : Verlag für chemische Industrie. 2015.v. 1, p. 84-90. |
184. | SHIMAUTI, E. L. T. ; SILVA, D. G. H. ; SOUZA, E. M. ; ALMEIDA, E. A. ; LEAL, F. P. ; DOMINGOS, C. R. B.. Prevalence of βS-globin gene haplotypes, α-thalassemia (3.7 kb deletion) and redox status in patients with sickle cell anemia in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Genetics and Molecular Biology (online version). p. 00-00, issn: 1678-4685, 2015.  |
185. | SILVA, A. V. ; LOPEZ-SANCHEZ, A. ; RIVAS, L. ; JUNQUEIRA, HELENA C. ; Baptista, Mauricio S. ; ORELLANA, G.. Riboflavin derivatives for enhanced photodynamic activity against Leishmania parasites. Tetrahedron (Oxford. Print). v. 71, p. 457-462, issn: 0040-4020, 2015.  |
186. | SILVA, P. B. ; BONIFACIO, B. V. ; FREM, R. C. G. ; NETTO, A. V. G. ; MAURO, A. E. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA MARIA ; LOPES, E. O. ; RADDI, M. S. G. ; BAUAB, T. M. ; PAVAN, F. R. ; CHORILLI, M.. A Nanostructured Lipid System as a Strategy to Improve the in Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Copper(II) Complexes. Molecules (Basel. Online). v. 20, p. 22534-22545, issn: 1420-3049, 2015.  |
187. | SILVA, SILAS AMÂNCIO ; Gobbo, Marina Guimarães ; PINTO-FOCHI, MARIA ETELVINA ; RAFACHO, ALEX ; Taboga, Sebastião Roberto ; Almeida, Eduardo Alves ; Góes, Rejane Maira ; Ribeiro, Daniele Lisboa. Prostate hyperplasia caused by long-term obesity is characterized by high deposition of extracellular matrix and increased content of MMP-9 and VEGF. International Journal of Experimental Pathology (Print). v. 96, p. 21-30, issn: 0959-9673, 2015.  |
188. | SIMAS-RODRIGUES, C. ; VILLELA, H. D. M. ; MARTINS, A. P. ; MARQUES, L. G. ; COLEPICOLO, P. ; TONON, A. P.. Microalgae for economic applications: advantages and perspectives for bioethanol. Journal of Experimental Botany. v. 66, p. 4097-4108, issn: 0022-0957, 2015.  |
189. | SIMOES, V. ; BUENO, M. R. S. E. P. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares. REDOX PROCESS CAN MEDIATE OSTEOGENIC DIFFERENTIATION. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, foz de iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, p. T-086, 2015. |
190. | SPINOLA, M. C. M. ; GAIARSA, J. W. ; Van Sluys MA ; CEJUDO, F. J. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares. Arabidopsis Thaliana Mutants Devoid of the 1-Cys Peroxiredoxin AtPER1 Show a Germination Deficient Phenotype. Em: 22 annual meeting SFRBM, 2015, Boston, MA. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 87, p. 1-386, 2015. |
191. | STEIN, ERIKA M. ; MACHADO, LEVI P. ; ROFFATO, HENRIQUE K. ; MIYASATO, PATRICIA A. ; NAKANO, ELIANA ; COLEPICOLO, Pio ; Andreguetti, Daniel X.. Antischistosomal activity from Brazilian marine algae. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Impresso). v. 25, p. 663-667, issn: 0102-695X, 2015.  |
192. | Tacoshi, M.M.A. ; FERNANDEZ, C.. Knowledge of assessment of chemistry teachers. Em: Annual International Conference of National Academic Research in Science Teaching, 2015, Chicago. National Academic Research in Science Teaching. Chicago, IL: NARST, v. 1, p. 323-324, 2015. |
193. | TAIRUM-JR, C. A. ; SANTOS, M. C. ; BREYER, C. A. ; GEYER, R. R. ; NIEVES, C. J. ; LEDESMA, S. P. ; Ferrer-Sueta, G ; Toledo Jr,José Carlos ; TOYAMA, M. H. ; AUGUSTO, Ohara ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares ; OLIVEIRA, Marcos Antonio de. INVOLVEMENT OF CATALYTICAL TRIAD THR44 OF TSA1 SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE IN DECAMER STABILIZATION AND CATALYSIS. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz de Iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, p. T-069, 2015. |
194. | Tanaka, Leonardo Y. ; BECHARA, L. R. G. ; dos santos AM ; Jordão CP ; de Souza LG ; BARTHOLOMEU, T. ; Ventura LI ; Laurindo,FR ; RAMIRES, P. R.. Exercise improves endothelial function: A local analysis of production of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. p. 7-14, issn: 1089-8603, 2015.  |
195. | TARDIVO, JOAO PAULO ; Wainwright, Mark ; BAPTISTA, MAURICIO. Small scale trial of photodynamic treatment of onychomycosis in São Paulo. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology. v. 150, p. 66-68, issn: 1011-1344, 2015.  |
196. | TARDIVO, JOÃO PAULO ; Baptista, Maurício S. ; CORREA, JOÃO ANTONIO ; ADAMI, FERNANDO ; PINHAL, MARIA APARECIDA SILVA. Development of the Tardivo Algorithm to Predict Amputation Risk of Diabetic Foot. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0135707-10/10, issn: 1932-6203, 2015.  |
197. | TERUYA, L. C. ; MARSON, G. A.. A química nos textos de divulgação científica: uma análise sob a perspectiva da educação CTS. Em: X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciência, p. 1-8, 2015. |
198. | Toledo Jr., J. C. An overview of the biological chemistry of nitrite and nitrate ions. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
199. | TORELLI, NICOLE QUESADA ; FERREIRA-JÚNIOR, JOSÉ RIBAMAR ; Kowaltowski, Alicia J. ; da Cunha, Fernanda Marques. RTG1 and RTG2-Dependent Retrograde Signaling Control Mitochondrial Activity and Stress Resistance in S. cerevisiae. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. v. 81, p. 30-37, issn: 0891-5849, 2015.  |
200. | TREVELIN, S. C. ; Lopes, LR. Protein disulfide isomerase and Nox: new partners in redox signaling. CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN. v. 21, p. 5951-5963, issn: 1381-6128, 2015.  |
201. | TRUZZI, D. R. ; ALVES, Simone Vidigal ; Netto, Luis E.S. ; AUGUSTO, O. PEROXIREDOXIN 1 COORDINATION TO DINITROSYL IRON COMPLEX. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. 23rd Congress of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) and 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology SBBq, p. T017, 2015. |
202. | TRUZZI, D. R. ; ALVES, Simone Vidigal ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares ; AUGUSTO, Ohara. Peroxiredoxin S-Nitrosation and High Molecular Weight DNIC Formation. Em: 22 annual meeting SFRBM, 2015, Boston, MA. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 87, p. 172-172, 2015. |
203. | TSUCHIDA, E. T. ; PALMA, F. R. ; GOMES, F. ; ZATZ, M. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares. USE OF GFP FUSIONS TO ANALYZE THE MECHANISMS OF TOXICITY OF HUMAN VAPB EXPRESSED IN Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz de Iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, p. H062, 2015. |
204. | TURANO, H. ; GOMES, F. ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares ; LINCOPAN, N.. BACTERICIDAL ACTIVITY OF PYOCINS AGAINST CLINICALLY IMPORTANT CARBAPENEMASE-PRODUCING Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz Iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015. |
205. | Uchoa, Adjaci F. ; KONOPKO, AARON M. ; Baptista, Maurício S.. Chlorophyllin Derivatives as Photosensitizers: Synthesis and Photodynamic Properties. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso). v. 26, p. 2615-2622, issn: 0103-5053, 2015.  |
206. | VENANCIO, L. P. R. ; COSTA, N. R. A. ; MARTINS, G. S. ; PEREIRA, L. R. ; SILVA, T. L. ; CARDOSO, V. L. O. ; ALMEIDA, E. A. ; DOMINGOS, C. R. B.. Manutençao do equilibrio redox cardiaco em cagado-de-barbelas (Phrynops geoffroanus): atividade da glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase e do sistema antioxidante dependente de glutationa. Em: 7 Congresso Brasileiro de Herpetologia, 2015, Gramado. Anais do 7 Congresso Brasileiro de Herpetologia, p. 138, 2015. |
207. | VENANCIO, L. P. R. ; COSTA, N. R. A. ; MARTINS, G. S. ; PEREIRA, L. R. ; SILVA, T. L. ; CARDOSO, V. L. O. ; ALMEIDA, E. A. ; DOMINGOS, C. R. B.. Analise do efeito da temperatura sobre a atividade das enzimas catalase e glutationa S-transferase em orgaos de detoxificação de cágado-de-barbelas (Testudines: Chelidae). Em: 7 Congresso Brasileiro de Herpetologia, 2015, Gramado. Anais do 7 Congresso Brasileiro de Herpetologia, p. 139, 2015. |
208. | VIEIRA, ADRIANA PIRES ; STEIN, ERIKA MATTOS ; ANDREGUETTI, DANIEL XAVIER ; COLEPICOLO, Pio ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA MARIA. Preparation of silver nanoparticles using aqueous extracts of the red algae Laurencia aldingensis and Laurenciella sp. and their cytotoxic activities. Journal of Applied Phycology. v. 25, p. 445, issn: 0921-8971, 2015.  |
209. | WEGERMANN, C. A. ; PIROTA, V. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M. ; CASELLA, L.. Imine ligands as complexing agents of metal ions implicated in Alzheimer disease. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
210. | WIDER, M. C. ; DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA M.. ?Cientistas criam complexos metálicos com ação antitumoral?. O Alquimista, São Paulo, p. 4-4, 30 maio 2015. |
211. | ZURLO, F. M. ; TAIRUM-JR, C. A. ; GEYER, R. R. ; AUGUSTO, Ohara ; Netto, Luis Eduardo Soares ; OLIVEIRA, Marcos Antonio de. DETERMINATION OF YEAST CYTOSOLIC PEROXIREDOXIN REDUCTION RATES BY THIOREDOXINS AND PRX OVEROXIDATION THROUGH FLUORESCENCE APPROACHES. Em: 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, Foz Iguaçu. 23rd Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 44th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, p. T018, 2015. |