The Genome Sciences Research Center at USP (NAP-CG) is a center where researchers in biosciences and bioinformatics collaborate on genomic sciences problems and projects. The organizing principle of NAP-CG are its driving projects, which are projects based on genomics, with bioinformatics needs, and led by USP faculty members.
The "genomics revolution" continues at an exponential rate. After the Sanger technology, others have emerged in the past decade, and still newer ones continue to emerge. As a result, sequencing throughput has increased dramatically, and costs have gone down likewise. As a consequence of this overall technological progress, genomic sciences now permeate several traditional disciplines, such as molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, medicine, infectious disease research, veterinary medicine, statistics, and computer science. This in turn means that in traditional academic intitutions such as USP there are now many researchers who share interests but who find themselves separated by traditional discipline-oriented departments. NAP-CG facilitates the interaction among such researchers and creates the opportunity for the development of new projects.
The current portfolio of driving projects is as follows (in parenthesis the project leader):