Portuguese Version

Ildemar Mayer <mayer@iq.usp.br>
Ildemar Mayer



Personal Information:
Born in Alecrim (Rio Grande do Sul state) on April, 9th, 1980; Brazil. 

Graduate Student.

Chemistry Professor: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2001). 

Current Research Project:
1. Synthesis and characterization of meso tetra(n-pyridyl)porphyrins polymetallated [M(n-TRPyP)] shown in the figure below, as well as the studies of their spectroscopic, electrochemical, catalytic and electrocatalytic proprerties.

2. Development and Applications of Supramolecular Hybrid Nanomaterials Containing Gold Nanoparticles. 

Supramolecular Chemistry, Supramolecular Nanotechnology, Nanostructured Self-Assembled Layer-by-Layer Films, Molecular Sensors, Gold Nanoparticles, Supermolecular Porphyrins, Spectroscopy, Electrochemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Supramolecular Catalysis and Electrocatalysis.


* Mayer, I.; Nunes, G.S.; Toma, H.E.; Araki, K.  Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2005) in press.

* Nunes, G.S.; Mayer, I.; Toma, H.E.; Araki, K.  J. Catal. 236 (2005) 55.

* Mayer, I.; Nakamura, K.;Srinivasan, A.; Furuta, H.; Toma, H.E.; Araki, K.  J. Porphyr. Phthalocyanines (2005) in press.

* Mayer, I.; Formiga, A.L.B.; Engelmann, F.M.; Winnischifer, H.; Oliveira, P.V.; Tomazela, D.M.; Eberlin, M.N.;  Toma, H.E.; Araki, K.  Inorg. Chim. Acta 358 (2005) 2926.

* Mayer, I.; Eberlin, M.N.; Tomazela, D.M.; Toma, H.E.; Araki, K.  J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 16 (2005) 418.

* Tomazela, D.M.; Gozzo, F.C.; Mayer, I.; Engelmann, F.M.; Araki, K.; Toma, H.E.; Eberlin, M.N. J. Mass. Spectrom. 39 (2004) 1161.

* Engelmann, F.M.; Mayer, I.; Araki, K.; Toma, H.E.; Baptista, M.S.; Maeda, H.; Osuka, A.; Furuta, H. J. Photochem. Photobiol. - A Chem. 163 (2004) 403.

* Araki, K.; Winnischofer, H.; Viana, H. E. B.; Toyama, M. M.; Engelmann, F. M.; Mayer, I.; Formiga, A. L. B.; Toma, H. E. J. Electroanal. Chem. 562 (2004) 145.

* Araki, K., Engelmann, F. M., Mayer, I., Toma, H. E., Baptista, M.S.; Maeda, H., Osuka, A.; Furuta, H. Chem. Lett. 32 (2003) 244.

Estrutura das M(3-TRPyP) estudadas.

Estruturas Supramoleculares Híbridas Contendo Nanopartículas de Ouro e Ligantes Espaçadores N-Heterocíclicos.